Free Online QuizzesQuiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure

Quiz 1 – Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure

Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz 1

Welcome to Quiz 1 on Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure! In this Is Matter Around Us Pure quiz 1, we will cover the topics of matter and its composition. Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure introduces us to the idea that not all matter is the same, and that the substances around us can be classified into different types based on their purity.

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    Matter can either be a pure substance, like elements and compounds, or a mixture. You’ll learn about how these mixtures can be either homogeneous (uniform throughout) or heterogeneous (non-uniform), and how they can be separated through different methods. This chapter is important because it helps us understand the basic differences between pure substances and mixtures, setting the foundation for more advanced topics in chemistry.

    In this Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure quiz, you’ll get a chance to test your understanding of these concepts. So, let’s dive in, challenge your mind, and strengthen your grasp of the building blocks of matter!

    Class 9 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz 1 Rules

    • Time Limit: You have 15 minutes to complete this quiz. Make sure to manage your time wisely.
    • Multiple Choices: Each question offers several answer options. Choose the one you think is correct.
    • Single Correct Answer: Each question has only one correct answer. Select the best option based on what you’ve learned.
    • No Negative Marking: There is no penalty for incorrect answers, so feel free to take a guess if you’re unsure. You won’t lose points for wrong choices.

    Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz 1 Structure

    • Total Questions: 10
    • Covered Topics: This quiz tests your understanding of the key concepts from Chapter 2 of Class 9 Science, “Is Matter Around Us Pure.” It includes questions about the classification of matter, pure substances, mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous), and methods of separation.

    Best of luck! Use your knowledge of matter to answer confidently and reinforce your learning!

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    Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz Questions

    Question 1: Which of the following can be compressed to less volume?

    a) Iron
    b) Water
    c) Air
    d) Wooden piece


    The correct answer is b) Water.

    Water can be compressed to less volume.

    Question 2: Which of the following is correct regarding solutions?

    a) A binary solution contains two components
    b) In aqueous solution of sugar, solute is water and solvent is sugar
    c) Formation of solution is a chemical process.
    d) Formation of an aqueous binary solution is always exothermic.


    The correct answer is a) A binary solution contains two components.

    Binary solution has two components: solute and solvent. In an aqueous solution of sugar, solute is sugar and solvent is water. Formation of solution is a physical process. Formation of an aqueous binary solution may be exothermic or endothermic.

    Question 3: Into how many types is matter classified on the basis of composition and properties?

    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4


    The correct answer is b) 2.

    Matter can be classified into two main types on the basis of composition and properties: pure substances and mixtures (impure substances). Pure substances are further classified into elements and compounds. Mixtures are further classified into homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

    Question 4: The substances which have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called _________ substances.

    a) pure
    b) impure
    c) mixtures
    d) solutions


    The correct answer is a) pure.

    The substances which have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called pure substances. Pure substances are further classified as elements and compounds. For example, gold, silver, water, sodium chloride, etc.

    Question 5: Is it true that substances that have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called pure substances?

    a) True
    b) False


    The correct answer is a) True.

    The given statement is true. The substances which have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called pure substances. Pure substances are further classified as elements and compounds. For example, gold, silver, water, sodium chloride, etc.

    Question 6: Substances that are made up of two or more pure substances mixed together in any proportion are called __________.

    a) pure substances
    b) elements
    c) compounds
    d) impure substances


    The correct answer is d) impure substances.

    Substances that are made up of two or more pure substances mixed together in any proportion are called impure substances. They are also known as mixtures. Examples of mixtures are air, seawater, petroleum, etc.

    Question 7: Is it true that substances that are made up of two or more pure substances mixed together in any proportion are called impure substances?

    a) True
    b) False


    The correct answer is a) True.

    The given statement is true. Substances that are made up of two or more pure substances mixed together in any proportion are called impure substances. They are also known as mixtures. Examples of mixtures are air, seawater, petroleum, etc.

    Question 8: Which of the following is not an example of a pure substance?

    a) Gold
    b) Oxygen
    c) Air
    d) Sodium chloride


    The correct answer is c) Air.

    The substances which have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called pure substances. Pure substances are further classified as elements and compounds. Gold and oxygen are examples of elements. Sodium chloride is an example of a compound. Air is a mixture of two or more gases present in any proportion. So it is not a pure substance.

    Question 9: Which of the following is an example of a pure substance?

    a) Air
    b) Salt solution
    c) Water
    d) Sugar solution


    The correct answer is c) Water.

    The substances which have a definite chemical composition and definite chemical and physical properties are called pure substances. Air, salt solution, and sugar solution consist of two or more components mixed in any proportion. So they are not pure substances. Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen combined in a fixed ratio of 1:8. So it is an example of a compound and thus a pure substance.

    Question 10: Elements are classified into ________ types.

    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4


    The correct answer is c) 3.

    Elements are pure substances that cannot be converted into anything simpler than themselves by any physical or chemical process. Elements are further classified into three types: metals, non-metals, and metalloids.

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