Free Online QuizzesQuiz 2 – Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure

Quiz 2 – Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure

Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz 2

Welcome to Quiz 2 of Class 9 Science Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure! In this quiz on Is Matter Around Us Pure, we’ll continue exploring the important concepts about matter and its composition. You’ve already covered the basics in Quiz 1 of Is Matter Around Us Pure, and this quiz 2 will help you go deeper into the topic, test your knowledge, and strengthen your understanding.

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    In Chapter 2, we learn about the classification of substances, such as pure substances (elements and compounds) and mixtures (homogeneous and heterogeneous). You’ll also revisit different methods of separating mixtures. This quiz is a great chance to test what you know and build a solid foundation for more complex chemistry topics.

    So, let’s get ready for Quiz 2! It’s time to test your understanding of the various types of matter and their properties.

    Quiz 2 Rules

    • Time Limit: You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz, so manage your time wisely.
    • Multiple Choices: Each question has multiple options. Choose the one that seems correct.
    • Single Correct Answer: Each question has only one correct answer. Select the best option based on what you’ve learned.
    • No Negative Marking: There’s no penalty for wrong answers. Feel free to guess if you’re unsure—there’s no loss of points for incorrect answers.

    Quiz 2 Structure

    • Total Questions: 10
    • Topics Covered: The quiz focuses on key concepts from Chapter 2, “Is Matter Around Us Pure.” It includes questions about the classification of matter, the difference between pure substances and mixtures, separation methods, and an understanding of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.

    Good luck! Use your knowledge to confidently answer the questions and improve your understanding of matter.

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    Class 9 Chemistry Chapter 2 Is Matter Around Us Pure Quiz Questions

    Question 1: Mixtures are of _________ types.

    a) 1
    b) 2
    c) 3
    d) 4


    The correct answer is b) 2.

    Substances that are made up of two or more pure substances mixed together in any proportion are called mixtures. They are of two types – homogeneous mixtures and heterogeneous mixtures.

    Question 2: Is it true that iron sulphide is an example of a pure substance?

    a) True
    b) False


    The correct answer is a) True.

    Iron sulphide is formed when iron and sulphur combine chemically on heating in the ratio of 7:4. So, it is an example of a compound, which is a type of pure substance.

    Question 3: Which of the following phrases would be incorrect to use in general?

    a) An atom of an element
    b) A molecule of an element
    c) A molecule of a compound
    d) An atom of a compound


    The correct answer is b) A molecule of an element.

    Molecules form when the same or different types of atoms are chemically bonded together. For example, one nitrogen molecule forms when two nitrogen atoms (N2) are chemically bonded.

    Question 4: Which of the following contains only one element?

    a) Marble
    b) Diamond
    c) Glass
    d) Sand


    The correct answer is b) Diamond.

    Diamond is a crystalline allotrope of carbon, while the others are compounds or mixtures of compounds.

    Question 5: The number of significant figures in π are:

    a) 3
    b) 4
    c) 8
    d) Infinite number


    The correct answer is d) Infinite number.

    Since π (22/7) is an exact number, it has an infinite number of significant figures.

    Question 6: Which of the following is incorrect regarding solutions?

    a) Solution is the example of a homogeneous mixture
    b) Homogeneous mixtures have uniform composition
    c) A solution may contain more than one solute
    d) Smoke is an example of a homogeneous mixture


    The correct answer is d) Smoke is an example of a homogeneous mixture.

    Smoke is an example of a heterogeneous mixture of solid carbon particulates and air (gas).

    Question 7: Which of the following are properties of matter?

    a) Occupies volume
    b) Has mass
    c) Has smell
    d) Both A and B


    The correct answer is d) Both A and B.

    Matter occupies volume and has mass.

    Question 8: Matter is defined as anything that _____

    a) Cannot be weighed
    b) Has no space
    c) Has mass and takes up space
    d) Many colors


    The correct answer is c) Has mass and takes up space.

    Matter is a substance that has mass and occupies space. Examples include sofa, TV, water, and air.

    Question 9: What is the human body temperature in Fahrenheit?

    a) 212
    b) 273.15
    c) 98.6
    d) 32


    The correct answer is c) 98.6.

    The human body temperature is 37°C, which is equivalent to 98.6°F.

    Question 10: The pressure exerted by a mass of 10.2 mg resting on the area of 1.00 cm² is called:

    a) Pascal
    b) Bar
    c) Atmospheric pressure
    d) Torrs


    The correct answer is a) Pascal.

    The pressure exerted by a mass of 10.2 mg resting on the area of 1.00 cm² is called Pascal.

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