GK QuestionsGK Questions on Ram Setu

GK Questions on Ram Setu

GK Questions On Ram Setu With Answers

Here are 50 GK questions on Ram Setu (also known as Adam’s Bridge) along with their answers:

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    Q. What is Ram Setu, also known as?

    Answer: Adam’s Bridge

    Where is Ram Setu located geographically?

    Answer: Between India and Sri Lanka

    Q. What is the bridge made of?

    Answer: A chain of limestone shoals

    Q. What is the length of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Approximately 50 kilometers

    Q. What is the significance of Ram Setu in Hindu mythology?

    Answer: It is believed to be built by Lord Rama and his army to reach Lanka.

    Q. What is the geological age of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Estimated to be several thousand years old

    Q. Which two oceans does Ram Setu connect?

    Answer: The Bay of Bengal and the Indian Ocean

    Q. What is the width of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Varies from a few hundred meters to 3 kilometers.

    Q. What is the depth of the waters around Ram Setu?

    Answer: Generally shallow, with depths varying from 1 to 10 meters.

    Q. What is the scientific explanation for the formation of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Natural geological processes, such as sedimentation and coral growth.

    Q. What historical text mentions the construction of Ram Setu?

    Answer: The Ramayana

    Q. What is the alternate name for Ram Setu mentioned in ancient texts?

    Answer: Nala Setu

    Q. Which government agency conducted the ‘Setusamudram Shipping Canal Project’ near Ram Setu?

    Answer: The Government of India

    Q. What is the purpose of the Setusamudram Shipping Canal Project?

    Answer: To create a shipping route through the Palk Strait.

    Q. What has been the subject of controversy related to Ram Setu in recent years?

    Answer: The alignment of the Setusamudram Shipping Canal Project.

    Q. In Which state of India does Ram Setu originate?

    Answer: Tamil Nadu

    Q. What is the traditional name of Ram Setu in Tamil Nadu?

    Answer: “Rama’s Bridge” or “Ramar Paalam.”

    Q. Which island in Sri Lanka is believed to be the destination of Lord Rama during his search for Sita?

    Answer: Mannar Island.

    Q. What are the names of the two ends of Ram Setu in India?

    Answer: Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and Dhanushkodi.

    Q. Which Hindu festival celebrates the building of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Ram Navami

    Q. Who was the king of Lanka defeated by Lord Rama?

    Answer: King Ravana

    Q. What is the famous temple located in Rameswaram associated with Lord Rama?

    Answer: Ramanathaswamy Temple

    Q. What is the significance of Ramanathaswamy Temple in Hindu mythology?

    Answer: It is one of the Char Dham pilgrimage sites and holds immense religious importance.

    Q. Which famous traveler mentioned the existence of a bridge between India and Sri Lanka in his writings?

    Answer: Marco Polo

    Q. What is the current status of the Setusamudram Shipping Canal Project?

    Answer: It has faced legal and environmental challenges, leading to delays.

    Q. What is the local belief regarding the formation of Ram Setu’s shoals?

    Answer: It is said that they are remnants of a bridge built by Lord Rama’s army.

    Q. What is the average depth of the Palk Strait where Ram Setu is located?

    Answer: 9 meters.

    Q. What is the distance between Rameswaram and Sri Lanka at the closest point?

    Answer: 18 miles or 29 kilometers.

    Q. What is the significance of the floating stone found near Rameswaram?

    Answer: It is believed to be a part of Ram Setu and is said to float in water.

    Q. What geological process is responsible for the formation of the limestone shoals in Ram Setu?

    Answer: Accumulation of sediment over time.

    Q. Which marine life sanctuary is located near Ram Setu?

    Answer: Gulf of Mannar Marine National Park.

    Q. What role does the Gulf of Mannar play in the ecological significance of Ram Setu?

    Answer: It is a rich biodiversity hotspot and provides essential habitat for marine life.

    Q. What ancient texts besides the Ramayana mention Ram Setu?

    Answer: The Mahabharata and various Puranas.

    Q. What is the alternate name for Ram Setu in the Mahabharata?

    Answer: Nalasetu

    Q. What is the cultural significance of Ram Setu in India?

    Answer: It is a symbol of Lord Rama’s epic journey and his devotion to dharma.

    Q. What are the major concerns related to the Setusamudram Shipping Canal Project?

    Answer: Environmental impact, destruction of marine ecosystems, and religious sentiments.

    Q. What is the traditional method of worshiping Ram Setu by pilgrims in Rameswaram?

    Answer: Taking a ritual bath in the waters near Rameswaram.

    Q. What is the strategic importance of Ram Setu in the Indian Ocean region?

    Answer: It can potentially be used as a natural barrier to protect India’s coastline.

    Q. What is the name of the geological event that some scientists believe caused the formation of Ram Setu?

    Answer: The Last Glacial Maximum.

    Q. What is the mythological significance of Ram Setu in Hinduism?

    Answer: It is seen as a symbol of Lord Rama’s divine intervention and a testament to his devotion to his wife, Sita.

    Q. What is the local legend associated with the creation of Ram Setu?

    Answer: It is believed that Lord Rama’s army built it by placing stones that floated on water, inscribed with his name.

    Q. What UNESCO World Heritage Site is located near Ram Setu on the Indian side?

    Answer: The Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu.

    Q. What is the role of Ram Setu in the cultural landscape of India?

    Answer: It is a revered site, symbolizing the epic journey of Lord Rama and fostering cultural and religious ties.

    Q. What are the scientific studies conducted to understand the origin of Ram Setu?

    Answer: Geological surveys, remote sensing, and satellite imagery analysis.

    Q. What is the present condition of Ram Setu as a land bridge?

    Answer: It is largely submerged, with a few exposed sandbanks.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Ram Setu

    Who named Ram Setu?

    Lord Rama's Vanara Sena,

    What is special about Ram Setu?

    The structure holds importance in both Hindu and Muslim stories. According to Hindu beliefs, its seen as the bridge (setu) constructed by Lord Ram and his army to reach Lanka and battle Ravan. In Islamic legend, its believed that Adam used this bridge to reach Adams Peak in Sri Lanka. There, he stood on one foot for 1,000 years in a gesture of repentance.

    Which rock is in Ram Setu?

    Adams Bridge, also called Ramas Bridge or Rama Setu, is a series of natural limestone shoals connecting Pamban Island (also known as Rameswaram Island) in Tamil Nadu, India, to Mannar Island in Sri Lankas north-western region.

    What is the mystery of Ram Setu?

    Ramayana talks about how they built the Setu Bandha with stones that could float. It's interesting that you can still find these floating stones in Rameswaram today. Scientists think that certain volcanic rocks can actually float in water. This might be why we see these rocks lined up in a bridge-like shape.

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