GK QuestionsGK Questions on Quit India Movement in English

GK Questions on Quit India Movement in English

The Quit India Movement was a significant campaign during India’s struggle for independence from British rule. Launched on August 8, 1942, by Mahatma Gandhi, it demanded an end to British rule in India. The movement saw widespread protests, strikes, and civil disobedience across the country. Gandhi’s call was for immediate withdrawal of British forces and self-rule for Indians. The British government responded with arrests and repression, leading to widespread unrest. Despite facing harsh measures, the movement united many Indians in their fight for freedom. This campaign played a crucial role in India’s eventual independence in 1947.

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    GK Questions on Quit India Movement in English

    GK Questions with Answers on Quit India Movement

    Q. What year did the Quit India Movement begin?

    A) 1942

    B) 1947

    C) 1930

    D) 1920

    Answer: A) 1942

    Q. Who was the leader of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Jawaharlal Nehru

    B) Sardar Patel

    C) Mahatma Gandhi

    D) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Answer: C) Mahatma Gandhi

    Q. What was the main demand of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Economic independence

    B) Immediate withdrawal of British rule

    C) Social reforms

    D) Better trade agreements

    Answer: B) Immediate withdrawal of British rule

    Q. Which slogan was used during the Quit India Movement?

    A) “Inquilab Zindabad”

    B) “Jai Hind”

    C) “Quit India”

    D) “Satyagraha”

    Answer: C) “Quit India”

    Q. Where was the Quit India Resolution passed?

    A) Bombay

    B) Delhi

    C) Calcutta

    D) Poona

    Answer: A) Bombay

    Q. When was the Quit India Resolution passed?

    A) August 8, 1942

    B) January 26, 1947

    C) August 15, 1947

    D) July 4, 1942

    Answer: A) August 8, 1942

    Q. What was Gandhi’s strategy for the Quit India Movement?

    A) Violent protests

    B) Economic boycott

    C) Non-violent civil disobedience

    D) Armed struggle

    Answer: C) Non-violent civil disobedience

    Q. Which event led to Gandhi’s arrest during the Quit India Movement?

    A) His speech in Delhi

    B) The Dandi March

    C) His call for the British to quit India

    D) His meeting with the Viceroy

    Answer: C) His call for the British to quit India

    Q. What was the British response to the Quit India Movement?

    A) Negotiated a settlement

    B) Increased repression and arrests

    C) Offered more autonomy

    D) Ignored it completely

    Answer: B) Increased repression and arrests

    Q. Who was the British Viceroy of India during the Quit India Movement?

    A) Lord Mountbatten

    B) Lord Wavell

    C) Lord Linlithgow

    D) Lord Curzon

    Answer: C) Lord Linlithgow

    Q. Which political party led the Quit India Movement?

    A) Indian National Congress

    B) Muslim League

    C) Communist Party

    D) All India Forward Bloc

    Answer: A) Indian National Congress

    Q. Which leader was not arrested during the Quit India Movement?

    A) Jawaharlal Nehru

    B) Sardar Patel

    C) Rajaji

    D) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Answer: D) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Q. What was the reaction of the Indian public to the Quit India Movement?

    A) Widespread support and participation

    B) Indifference

    C) Strong opposition

    D) Confusion and lack of clarity

    Answer: A) Widespread support and participation

    Q. Which act of civil disobedience was NOT part of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Non-payment of taxes

    B) Boycott of British goods

    C) Picketing liquor shops

    D) Armed rebellion

    Answer: D) Armed rebellion

    Q. How did the Quit India Movement affect Indian political leadership?

    A) Strengthened their position

    B) Diminished their influence

    C) Led to their total defeat

    D) Caused disunity among leaders

    Answer: A) Strengthened their position

    Q. What was the main reason for the British crackdown on the Quit India Movement?

    A) Fear of loss of control

    B) Economic interests

    C) Diplomatic relations

    D) Local disputes

    Answer: A) Fear of loss of control

    Q. What was one of the consequences of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Immediate independence

    B) Increased political consciousness among Indians

    C) Complete cessation of British rule

    D) Economic reforms

    Answer: B) Increased political consciousness among Indians

    Q. Which leader was the first to be arrested in the Quit India Movement?

    A) Jawaharlal Nehru

    B) Mahatma Gandhi

    C) Sardar Patel

    D) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Answer: B) Mahatma Gandhi

    Q. The Quit India Movement was also known as:

    A) The August Movement

    B) The August Revolution

    C) The Quit India Revolution

    D) The Freedom Struggle

    Answer: A) The August Movement

    Q. In which year was Mahatma Gandhi released from prison after the Quit India Movement?

    A) 1942

    B) 1943

    C) 1944

    D) 1945

    Answer: C) 1944

    Q. Which leader was known for his role in spreading the Quit India Movement in rural areas?

    A) Rajendra Prasad

    B) Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

    C) Vinoba Bhave

    D) C. Rajagopalachari

    Answer: C) Vinoba Bhave

    Q. What was a key method used by the Quit India Movement leaders to mobilize support?

    A) Public meetings and rallies

    B) Military training

    C) Diplomatic negotiations

    D) Economic strikes

    Answer: A) Public meetings and rallies

    Q. Which organization supported the Quit India Movement in its struggle for independence?

    A) The Indian National Congress

    B) The Muslim League

    C) The Communist Party

    D) The Forward Bloc

    Answer: A) The Indian National Congress

    Q. What was the general public’s reaction to the British suppression of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Support for British actions

    B) Disillusionment and anger

    C) Neutral response

    D) Indifference

    Answer: B) Disillusionment and anger

    Q. The Quit India Movement was primarily aimed at:

    A) Social reform

    B) Economic development

    C) Ending British colonial rule

    D) Promoting regional languages

    Answer: C) Ending British colonial rule

    Q. Which Indian leader was exiled to Seychelles during the Quit India Movement?

    A) Jawaharlal Nehru

    B) Sardar Patel

    C) Subhas Chandra Bose

    D) Mahatma Gandhi

    Answer: C) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Q. What was one of the reasons for the British government to delay granting independence to India?

    A) Economic considerations

    B) Fear of Japanese invasion

    C) Internal resistance to independence

    D) Impact of the Quit India Movement

    Answer: D) Impact of the Quit India Movement

    Q. Which group was formed to organize and lead the Quit India Movement?

    A) Indian National Congress

    B) All India Muslim League

    C) Hindu Mahasabha

    D) Indian Communist Party

    Answer: A) Indian National Congress

    Q. The Quit India Movement was part of which broader struggle?

    A) The Non-Cooperation Movement

    B) The Civil Disobedience Movement

    C) The Freedom Struggle

    D) The Swadeshi Movement

    Answer: C) The Freedom Struggle

    Q. Who was the prominent leader of the Quit India Movement in the state of Gujarat?

    A) Sardar Patel

    B) Jawaharlal Nehru

    C) Rajendra Prasad

    D) Maulana Azad

    Answer: A) Sardar Patel

    Q. What was the effect of the Quit India Movement on the Indian armed forces?

    A) They joined the movement

    B) They were neutral

    C) They supported the British

    D) They were divided in their support

    Answer: C) They supported the British

    Q. Which was a significant feature of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Complete non-cooperation with British authorities

    B) Formation of new political parties

    C) Establishment of military camps

    D) Regular negotiations with the British government

    Answer: A) Complete non-cooperation with British authorities

    Q. Which other leaders were arrested alongside Gandhi during the Quit India Movement?

    A) Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel

    B) Subhas Chandra Bose and Rajaji

    C) Maulana Azad and Bhagat Singh

    D) Lala Lajpat Rai and Bipin Chandra Pal

    Answer: A) Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel

    Q. Which type of protests were NOT part of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Peaceful demonstrations

    B) Industrial strikes

    C) Armed resistance

    D) Public speeches

    Answer: C) Armed resistance

    Q. How did the Quit India Movement influence India’s independence?

    A) It led to immediate independence

    B) It hastened the process of independence

    C) It caused no significant impact

    D) It delayed the independence

    Answer: B) It hastened the process of independence

    Q. What was a major consequence of the Quit India Movement on British policy?

    A) Increased military presence in India

    B) Repression and crackdown on leaders

    C) Greater political freedom for Indians

    D) Negotiation for immediate independence

    Answer: B) Repression and crackdown on leaders

    Q. Which of the following was a result of the Quit India Movement?

    A) Strengthening of British colonial rule

    B) Greater Indian participation in governance

    C) Increased international support for Indian independence

    D) Formation of a new Indian government

    Answer: C) Increased international support for Indian independence

    Q. What was the main reason for the British government’s harsh response to the Quit India Movement?

    A) Economic losses

    B) Political instability

    C) Threat to British control

    D) Diplomatic pressure

    Answer: C) Threat to British control

    Q. Who was known for his role in organizing the Quit India Movement in Bengal?

    A) Subhas Chandra Bose

    B) C. Rajagopalachari

    C) Jawaharlal Nehru

    D) Sardar Patel

    Answer: A) Subhas Chandra Bose

    Q. Which was a key feature of the Quit India Movement’s impact on Indian society?

    A) Increased communal tensions

    B) Strengthened unity among different communities

    C) Rise in economic prosperity

    D) Decrease in political activity

    Answer: B) Strengthened unity among different communities

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