MathsAnalytic Function – Meaning, Properties and Solved Examples

Analytic Function – Meaning, Properties and Solved Examples

Meaning of Analytic Function

Analytic Function – Meaning: An analytic function is a function that is defined by a power series. The power series is centered at a point in the complex plane and converges to the function at that point.

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    Analytic Function – Meaning, Properties and Solved Examples

    Types of Analytic Functions

    There are three main types of analytic functions: power, exponential, and logarithmic.

    • A power function is a type of analytic function in which the independent variable raised to a power. For example, y = x^2 is a power function.
    • An exponential function is a type of analytic function in which the independent variable multiplied by a constant. For example, y = 2x is an exponential function.
    • A logarithmic function is a type of analytic function in which the independent variable raised to the power of a logarithm. For example, y = log(x) is a logarithmic function.

    Real Analytic Function

    An analytic function a function that can expressed as a power series in a neighborhood of a given point.

    Complex Analytic Function

    In mathematics, a complex analytic function is a function that is analytic in a complex domain.

    A complex analytic function is a function that is analytic in a complex domain. In other words, it is a function that can expressed as a Taylor series in a neighborhood of every point in its domain.

    Conditions that Make a Complex Function Analytic

    A complex function is analytic at a point if it is continuous and also its derivative is continuous at that point.

    Properties of Analytic Function

    • An analytic function is continuous on a closed and bounded interval and differentiable at every point in the interval.
    • Function is a set of ordered pairs (x, y) such that to each element of x corresponds a unique element of y. An analytic function is a function that can given by a power series in a neighborhood of each point in its domain.
    • A function said to have a power series representation about a, if f(x) can written as a series of terms involving the powers of the quantity (x-a).
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