MathsMensurationPerimeter and AreaArea of a Parallelogram Class 6 Maths Mensuration

Area of a Parallelogram Class 6 Maths Mensuration

Area of a Parallelogram Class 6 Maths Mensuration

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    • Area of a Parallelogram
    • What’s Next?

    In our previous segment of Class 8 Maths, we learnt about the area of general polygon. In this segment, we will learn about the area of a parallelogram.

    How to find the area of a parallelogram?

    The Area of the parallelogram is the product of its base and the corresponding height.

    The altitude (height) of a parallelogram is the distance of a vertex from its opposite side. This opposite side is known as the base.

    Area of a Parallelogram Class 6

    Consider a parallelogram with base b and corresponding height h.

    Then, the area of the parallelogram = b x h.

    For example,

    Consider a parallelogram with base 10 cm and a corresponding height of 12 cm. Then, the area of the parallelogram = b x h

    = 10 x 12

    = 120??2.

    Thus, the area of the parallelogram is 120??2.


    Area of a Parallelogram Product of its base and corresponding height, that is, b x h

    Also Read: Area of Parallelogram – Definition, Explanation and How to Find Area of Parallelogram

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