MathsDirection Cosines – Explanation, Ratios, Three-Dimensional Geometry

Direction Cosines – Explanation, Ratios, Three-Dimensional Geometry

What are Direction Cosines?

Direction Cosines – Explanation: In physics and mathematics, direction cosines (also called direction ratios) are a set of three numbers that define a vector in three-dimensional space. They are the cosines of the angles between the vector and the three coordinate axes.

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    Direction Cosines - Explanation, Ratios, Three-Dimensional Geometry, and FAQs

    Direction Ratios of a Line

    The direction ratios of a line are the ratios of the line’s direction vector to its length. The direction vector is a vector that points in the direction of the line. They are the ratios of the vector’s magnitude (length) to its direction.

    Direction Cosines in Three-Dimensional Geometry

    In three-dimensional geometry, direction cosines are a way of representing a direction in three-dimensional space. They are simply the cosines of the angles between the direction and three Cartesian axes. This makes them very useful for calculations involving vectors, as they can be used to calculate the magnitude and direction of a vector in three-dimensional space.

    In 3-D geometry, we have 3 axes: namely, the x, y, and z-axis. Suppose that a line OP passes through the origin in a 3D space. Then, the line will form an angle each with the x, y and z-axis respectively.

    The cosines of each of these angles that the line creates along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively are known as the direction cosines of the line in three-dimensional geometry. Usually, it is customary to express these direction cosines using the respective letters l, m, and n.

    However, you need to remember that these cosines can only be found once we have discovered the angles that the line forms with each of the axes. Also, it is interesting to know that if we reverse the direction of this line, the angles will surely alter.

    As a result, the direction cosines i.e. the cosines of these angles will also not be similar once the direction of the line has been reversed. Let us now consider a little different situation where our line does not pass through the point of origin (0, 0, and 0).

    Direction Cosines in Case a Line Does Not Pass Through The Origin

    You might be thinking over how the direction cosines are to be identified given that the line does not pass through the origin. It is simple. We will have to take into consideration another fictitious (assumed) line parallel to our line in a way that the 2nd line passes through the origin.

    Now, the angles that this line forms with the three axes i.e. x-axis, y-axis, z-axis will be similar to that formed by our original line and thus the direction cosines of the angles created by this fictitious line with the axes will be similar for our original line too.

    Direction Cosines and Direction Vectors

    We already know that l=cosα


    , m=cosβ


    and n=cosγ


    and we are also aware that -1 < cos x < 1 ∀ x ∈ R, so ‘l’, ‘m’ and ‘n’ are real number with values fluctuating between -1 to 1. Thus, the value of direction cosine’s ∈ 1,1


    The direction cosine of x, y and z axes are 1,0,0


    , 0,1,0


    and 0,0,1



    • The dc’s of a line parallel to any coordinate axis are equivalent to the dc of the corresponding axis.

    • The three angles formed along the x-axis with the coordinate axis are 0 degrees, 90 degrees and 90 degrees. Thus, the direction cosine turns to cos 0 degree, cos 90o, and cos 90o i.e. 1,0,0

    • In case the assigned line is reversed, then the dc will be cos πα

      , cos πβ


      , cos πγ πγ Thus, a line can have two sets of direction cosines as per its direction.

    • The direction cosines are linked by the relation l2 + m2 + n2 = 1.

    • The direction cosines of two parallel lines are always similar to one another.

    • Direction ratios are directly in proportion to direction cosines and thus for a given line, there can be innumerable many direction ratios.

    Direction Cosines in Case a Line Does Not Pass Through The Origin

    The direction cosines in case a line does not pass through the origin can be found by using the equation of a line:


    x &= ax + by

    y &= cx + dy


    Here, a and b are the direction cosines and c and d are the direction ratios.

    The direction cosines of a vector are the cosines of the angles between the vector and the coordinate axes.

    The direction vector of a vector is the vector that points in the same direction as the vector.

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