MathsFields Medal – Award, History, Winners from India and Female Medalist

Fields Medal – Award, History, Winners from India and Female Medalist

Fields Medal Award

The Fields Medal is a mathematics prize that is awarded every four years, to mathematicians who are under 40 years old. The prize is named after mathematician John Fields, and was first awarded in 1936.

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    Fields Medal - Award, History, Winners from India and Female Medalist


    The Fields Medal a prestigious mathematics award that given to mathematicians who under the age of 40. It first awarded in 1936, and the recipient chosen by the International Mathematical Union (IMU). The Fields Medal considered to be the most prestigious award in mathematics, and often referred to as the “Nobel Prize of mathematics.”

    The Fields Medal awarded every four years, and has awarded to 78 mathematicians to date. The recipient given a gold medal and a monetary prize. Therefore the Fields Medal meant to recognize outstanding achievement in mathematics, and often given to mathematicians who have made significant contributions to their field.

    The Fields Medal a highly coveted award, and many mathematicians consider it to be the highest honor that they can achieve. It often viewed as a stepping stone to the Nobel Prize in mathematics, which is the most prestigious award in the field.


    of limitations are laws that set time limits on how long legal proceedings may continue after an event has occurred. These time limits vary depending on the type of legal proceeding and also the type of event.

    Statutes of limitations exist for a number of reasons. One reason is to ensure that legal proceedings are fair and that evidence is still available. Another reason to ensure that defendants not subjected to legal proceedings after significant amount of time passed.

    Length of time specified by statute of limitations may shorter or longer depending on the type of legal proceeding. For example, statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuit may be two years. While the statute of limitations for a contract dispute may be six years.

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