MathsTypes of Triangles (Classification of Triangles on the basis of sides)

Types of Triangles (Classification of Triangles on the basis of sides)

Classification of Triangles on the basis of sides:

There are three types of triangles based on the sides:

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    1. Equilateral Triangle:

    It has three equal sides and three equal angles.

    2. Isosceles Triangle:

    It has two equal sides and two equal angles.

    3. Scalene Triangle:

    It has three different sides and three different angles.

    Classification of Triangles on the basis of sides

    On the basis of sides, triangles are divided into three types:

    Equilateral triangle:

    An equilateral triangle has all three sides of the same length. All angles are also 60 degrees. This type of triangle is the most symmetrical, and can be found in nature (in the petals of a flower, for example).

    Isosceles triangle:

    An isosceles triangle has two sides of the same length. The angles opposite these two sides are also the same. This type of triangle is often used in engineering and construction.

    Scalene triangle:

    A scalene triangle has all three sides of different lengths. This type of triangle is the most unstable and can be found in nature (in the branches of a tree, for example).

    Area of a Triangle

    The area of a triangle is the number of square units it would take to cover the triangle completely. The area of a triangle can be found by using the base, height, and width. The base is the length of the triangle’s base, the height is the length of the triangle’s altitude (or perpendicular height), and the width is the length of the triangle’s widest point.

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