BlogNEETCell The Unit of Life NEET Questions

Cell The Unit of Life NEET Questions

Cell The Unit of Life NEET Questions: Preparing for NEET requires a thorough understanding of key biology concepts, and “Cell – The Unit of Life” is one of the most fundamental chapters. NEET aspirants should focus on this chapter as it covers essential topics like the structure and function of cells, organelles, and cellular processes. Cell – The Unit of Life NEET questions follow the latest NEET syllabus, helping students practice effectively. These questions test your understanding of cell theory, prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and biomolecules.

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    Cell The Unit of Life NEET Questions 2024

    The chapter “Cell: The Unit of Life” is an essential part of the NEET 2024 syllabus, focusing on the fundamental building blocks of life. Mastering this chapter provides a solid foundation for other topics in biology.

    NEET questions from this chapter help students prepare effectively by testing their knowledge of these core concepts. These questions challenge your understanding of cellular structure and processes, allowing you to identify important areas and improve your problem-solving skills. By practicing these questions, you can enhance your accuracy and speed, ensuring a better performance in the NEET exam.

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    Cell The Unit Of Life Questions for NEET Biology

    The unit of life is the cell. “NEET Questions” is a vital tool designed to improve your understanding of cellular biology in order to prepare for the NEET. These questions cover a broad range of issues pertaining to the structure, functions, and activities of cells, providing you with an in-depth understanding of the essential ideas required to fully grasp this chapter.

    By practicing Cell: The Unit of Life NEET questions with answers, students gain a thorough understanding of the reasoning behind each solution. It helps in both self-assessment and conceptual clarity. This not only enhances performance but also reinforces important principles related to cell biology, making it a valuable tool in acing the NEET biology section.

    Cell The Unit Of Life Important Questions for NEET Biology

    1. What structure connects plant cells together?
    a) Plasmodesmata
    b) Cell wall
    c) Cell membrane
    d) Desmosomes
    Answer – a) Plasmodesmata

    2. Where is rRNA synthesized?
    a) Nucleus
    b) Golgi apparatus
    c) Cytoplasm
    d) Nucleolus
    Answer – d) Nucleolus

    3. Which experiment involved exchanging the nucleus of Acetabularia?
    a) Hammerling Experiment
    b) Watson and Crick Experiment
    c) Mendel’s Experiment
    d) Griffith Experiment
    Answer – a) Hammerling Experiment

    4. Which organelle does not have endomembrane structure?
    a) Lysosome
    b) Vacuole
    c) Golgi complex
    d) Peroxisome
    Answer – d) Peroxisome

    5. Centrioles are involved in the formation of which structure during cell division?
    a) Cell wall
    b) Spindle fibers
    c) Nucleus
    d) Cell membrane
    Answer – b) Spindle fibers

    6. Which cells in the human body cannot divide after maturation?
    a) Red blood cells
    b) Skin cells
    c) Muscle cells
    d) Nerve cells
    Answer – d) Nerve cells

    7. Which organelle is the main packaging and distribution center of the cell?
    a) Mitochondria
    b) Vacuole
    c) Golgi bodies
    d) Ribosomes
    Answer – c) Golgi bodies

    8. The cell theory does not apply to which of the following?
    a) Algae
    b) Fungi
    c) Virus
    d) Bacteria
    Answer – c) Virus

    9. Which technique is used to separate organelles in a cell?
    a) Chromatography
    b) Differential centrifugation
    c) X-ray diffraction
    d) Autoradiography
    Answer – b) Differential centrifugation

    10. The middle lamella in plant cells is mainly composed of:
    a) Hemicellulose
    b) Muramic acid
    c) Calcium pectate
    d) Phosphoglycerides
    Answer – c) Calcium pectate

    Also Check: How to score 360 in NEET Biology

    11. Which structure facilitates transport between adjacent plant cells?
    a) Plasma membrane
    b) Plasmodesmata
    c) Mitochondria
    d) Chloroplast
    Answer – b) Plasmodesmata

    12. Osmotic expansion in plant cells is mainly regulated by which organelle?
    a) Ribosomes
    b) Vacuole
    c) Chloroplast
    d) Nucleus
    Answer – b) Vacuole

    13. The largest component of the erythrocyte membrane is:
    a) Lipids
    b) Proteins
    c) Glycolipids
    d) Glycoproteins
    Answer – a) Lipids

    14. Which plastid is responsible for storing proteins?
    a) Aleuroplast
    b) Elaioplast
    c) Chromoplast
    d) Leucoplast
    Answer – a) Aleuroplast

    15. Who first concluded that plant cells have a unique cell wall?
    a) Theodor Schwann
    b) Matthias Schleiden
    c) Robert Hooke
    d) Rudolph Virchow
    Answer – b) Matthias Schleiden

    16. Which of the following is involved in ribosome synthesis?
    a) Nucleus
    b) Mitochondria
    c) Nucleolus
    d) Endoplasmic Reticulum
    Answer – c) Nucleolus

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    17. What is the Golgi apparatus’s primary purpose?
    a) Energy production
    b) DNA replication
    c) Protein packaging
    d) Cell division
    Answer – c) Protein packaging

    18. Which cell component is primarily involved in breaking down fatty acids?
    a) Peroxisome
    b) Lysosome
    c) Mitochondria
    d) Vacuole
    Answer – a) Peroxisome

    19. What is the main constituent of the plant cell wall?
    a) Cellulose
    b) Proteins
    c) Lipids
    d) Glycoproteins
    Answer – a) Cellulose

    20. Which organelle is known as the “powerhouse” of the cell?
    a) Mitochondria
    b) Golgi apparatus
    c) Endoplasmic reticulum
    d) Lysosomes
    Answer – a) Mitochondria

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