NEET ExamNEET MCQNEET Biology MCQMCQ on Sericulture for NEET

MCQ on Sericulture for NEET

Sericulture involves raising silkworms and getting silk from them. The common silkworm kind used in sericulture is the caterpillar of the domestic silkmoth, also known as ‘Bombyx Mori.’ People also cultivate other kinds of silkworms like Eri, Muga, and Tasar for making different types of silk called ‘wild silks.’

MCQ on Sericulture for NEET

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    Sericulture MCQ for NEET

    Ques 1. Silk contains a protein known as

    1. casein

    2. fibroin

    3. sericin

    4. both 2. and 3.

    Answer: both 2. and 3.

    Ques 2. The silkworm larva ceases to eat and begins spinning silk all over its body

    1. from inside to outside

    2. from outside to inside

    3. in a random motion

    4. all of the above

    Answer: from outside to inside

    Ques 3. Insects not found in wild state is

    1. cochineal insect

    2. lac insect

    3. silk moth

    4. honey bee

    Answer: silk moth

    Ques 4. Silk is produced by

    1. cocoon

    2. adult moth

    3. larva

    4. larva and adult moth

    Answer: larva

    Ques 5. Honey, silk and lac are

    1. artificial elements

    2. secretory substance of insects

    3. secretory substance of plants

    4. all of these

    Answer: secretory substance of insects

    Ques 6. This species produces silk of the superior quality

    1. Attacus atlas

    2. Bombyx mori

    3. Attacus ricini

    4. Antheraea assamensis

    Answer: Bombyx mori

    Ques 7. Pick the set of beneficial insects to man

    1. sandfly, honey bee, butterfly

    2. honey bee, cochineal insect, lac insect

    3. silkworm, wasp, honey bee

    4. honey bee, cockroach, silkworm

    Answer: honey bee, cochineal insect, lac insect

    Ques 8. This amongst the following produces silk

    1. butterflies

    2. Dysdercus koenigii

    3. Bombus mori

    4. Bombus indica

    Answer: Bombus mori

    Ques 9. What is the life span of an adult ‘Bombyx mori’ ?

    1. 2 days

    2. 8 days

    3. 6 days

    4. 3-4 days

    Answer: 3-4 days

    Ques 10. Pick the correct statement

    1. larval form of the moth produces silk

    2. salivary glands of the moth produce silk

    3. by boiling, silk is extracted from the cocoon of a moth

    4. both 1. and 3.

    Answer: both 1. and 3

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