Logistic function

Introduction to Logistic function The logistic function, often known as the sigmoid function, is a mathematical function that is used […]

Complex numbers

Introduction to Complex numbers Introduction to complex numbers: Complex numbers extend the concept of real numbers by introducing the imaginary […]

Gauss elimination method

Introduction to Gauss elimination method A fundamental numerical method for resolving linear equation systems is the Gauss elimination method. It […]


What is Function? A function is a mathematical notion that connects input values to output values. It represents a rule […]


Introduction to Polynomials Polynomials are defined as the type of algebraic expressions whose variables have only non-negative integers as their […]

Mathematical Equations

Equations, the backbone of mathematics, can express the balance and equivalence of quantities. Equations enable us to capture and analyze […]

Types of Polynomials

Polynomials are usually classified on the basis of their degree and the number of terms in the expression. The degree […]

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