PhysicsError Arithmetic Operations Significant Figures

Error Arithmetic Operations Significant Figures

error arithmetic operations significant figures

Significant figures are the digits in a number that are known with certainty plus the first digit that is uncertain. This concept is often used in scientific and mathematical calculations as a way to express the level of precision or certainty of a value.

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    What Are Significant Figures?

    Significant figures are the digits in a number that are meaningful in terms of the accuracy or precision of the number. The number of significant figures in a number is determined by the position of the first non-zero digit in the number. For example, the number 12 has two significant figures, while the number 0.012 has three significant figures.

    What Do You Understand by Significant Figures?

    Significant figures are the digits in a number that are known with certainty. The first digit after the decimal point is always significant. The last digit is significant if it is not zero. The other digits are significant if they are not zeros and if they are not between two other significant digits.

    Rules for Arithmetic Operation of Significant Figures

    For addition and subtraction, the result should be rounded off to the least number of decimal places present in any of the original numbers.

    For multiplication and division, the result should be rounded off to the least number of significant figures present in any of the original numbers.

    Error Arithmetic Operations of Significant Figures

    “, “It is wrong to add numbers of different precision.

    You have tried to add or subtract a number with a large number of significant figures while the other number has only a few figures.

    else {
    if (num1.getPrecision() > num2.getPrecision()) {
    return new BigDecimal(num1.getValue() + num2.getValue() / Math.pow(10, num2.getPrecision())).setScale(num1.getPrecision(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
    else {
    return new BigDecimal(num2.getValue() + num1.getValue() / Math.pow(10, num1.getPrecision())).setScale(num2.getPrecision(), RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

    public static RealNum subtract(RealNum num1, RealNum num2) throws ArithmeticException {
    if (num1.getPrecision() != num2.getPrecision()) {
    throw new ArithmeticException(“Error Arithmetic Operations of Significant Figures”, “It is wrong to add numbers of different precision.

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