PhysicsKinetic Theory of Gases – Based on Postulates, Assumptions, Gas Laws

Kinetic Theory of Gases – Based on Postulates, Assumptions, Gas Laws

kinetic theory of gases

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    The Kinetic theory of gases explains the macroscopic behavior of a gaseous system from the motions of the particles that it is composed of.

    In the simplest case, a gas is assumed to be composed of a large number of point particles that are moving in a random fashion. The behavior of the gas is then explained by considering the statistical properties of the motions of these particles.

    The kinetic theory of gases makes several key assumptions:

    • The particles that make up the gas are point-like and have no internal structure.
    • The particles are in constant, random motion.
    • The collisions between particles are elastic.
    • The only forces acting on the particles are those due to collisions.

    From these assumptions, the kinetic theory of gases is able to derive a number of important results, such as the ideal gas law.

    kinetic theory of gases assumptions

    The kinetic theory of gases is a theory that explains the properties of gases in terms of the motion and collisions of the molecules that make up the gas. The theory is based on the following assumptions:

    • Gases are made up of a large number of small molecules.
    • These molecules are in constant, random motion.
    • The molecules collide with each other and with the walls of the container.
    • The collisions are elastic, which means that they do not change the energy of the molecules.
    • The molecules are so small that their size is negligible.
    • The speed of the molecules is much greater than the speed of sound.
    • The average kinetic energy of the molecules is proportional to the absolute temperature of the gas.
    • The kinetic theory of gases can be used to explain the properties of gases such as pressure, temperature, and volume.

    kinetic theory of gases based on three postulates

    According to the kinetic theory of gases, particles of a gas move in a random, straight-line motion. Collisions between particles are elastic and perfectly efficient. The theory assumes that the gas consists of very small particles that are far apart from each other and that there are no attractive or repulsive forces between the particles. The theory is based on the following three postulates:

    • The particles of a gas are in constant, random motion.
    • The collisions between particles are elastic and perfectly efficient.
    • The particles of a gas are very small and far apart from each other.
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