BotanyE. coli has only 4.6 ×106 base pairs and completes the process of replication within 18 minutes; then the average rate of polymerization is approximately?

E. coli has only 4.6 ×106 base pairs and completes the process of replication within 18 minutes; then the average rate of polymerization is approximately?

  1. A

    1000 base pairs/second

  2. B

    2000 base pairs/second

  3. C

    3000 base pairs/second

  4. D

    4000 base pairs/second

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    E. coli that has only 4.6 ×106 bp (compare it with humans whose diploid content is 6.6 × 109 bp), completes the process of replication within 18 minutes; that means the average rate of polymerization has to be approximately 2000 bp per second.

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