A sample of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) has the following percentage composition : Ca = 40%, C : 12%, O = 48%. If the law of constant proportions is true, then the weight of calcium in 4 g of a sample of calcium carbonate obtained from another source will be :

A sample of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) has the following percentage composition : Ca = 40%, C : 12%, O = 48%. If the law of constant proportions is true, then the weight of calcium in 4 g of a sample of calcium carbonate obtained from another source will be :

  1. A

    0.016 g

  2. B

    0.16 g

  3. C

    1.6 g

  4. D

    16 g

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    Molecular weight of CaCO = 100 gm 

    100 gm of sample contains = 40 gm of Ca

    4 gm of sample contains = ?

    4×40100 = 1.6 gm

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