ChemistryIs it true that hair traps a lot of air which is a poor conductor of heat? 

Is it true that hair traps a lot of air which is a poor conductor of heat? 

  1. A
  2. B

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    The above statement is true.
    Hair is a bad conductor of heat; thus, it is not made up of metal, and iron is not present in it. Instead, hair is mainly made of dead cells in our body. Animals have thick coats of hair. These hairs keep them warm. It happens because thick hairs trap a lot of air in them. We know that air is a poor conductor of heat; therefore, air prevents heat loss from their bodies. Usually, woollen clothes are thin, with a little air gap between the fabric. And the air pockets lying in between the fabric make us feel warm. Wool is a poor conductor of heat, and the fabric's air pockets prevent the passage or movement of air from the surroundings into our bodies. This less air movement through the woollen fabric helps us stay warm.
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