CivicsConstitutional status for local government has helped to

Constitutional status for local government has helped to

  1. A
    Increase the literacy rate
  2. B
    Improve medical services
  3. C
    Deepen democracy in our country
  4. D
    Increase agricultural productions  

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    Constitutional status for local government has helped to Deepen democracy in our country. In 1992, a constitutional amendment was made, and the local self-governments were provided constitutional status. Earlier, the Constitution only mentioned two levels of government. Local self-governments have existed in several states of India ever since it achieved its independence. However, their existence was based entirely on the discretion of the state governments. The elections weren't held regularly, and these governments had no powers. This changed after 1992. The empowerment of local governments meant more active participation of the people in politics. The reservations for various marginalised groups ensured their representation. This has deepened the democracy in our country.
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