Civics“Sexual Division of labour signifies, that1)      Gender division emphasizes division based on the nature of work.2)      The division between men and women.3)      Caste is the basis of Gender Division.4)      Work decides the division between men and women.

“Sexual Division of labour signifies, that

1)      Gender division emphasizes division based on the nature of work.

2)      The division between men and women.

3)      Caste is the basis of Gender Division.

4)      Work decides the division between men and women.

  1. A
    1, 3 and 4
  2. B
    1, 2 and 4
  3. C
    1, and 3
  4. D
    4 and 1 

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    “Sexual Division of labour signifies that gender division emphasizes division based on the nature of Work. The division between men and women and Work decides the division between men and women.
    1)      The sexual division of labour refers to the system in which household work is regarded as the Work of women, and the Work outside of the household is considered that of men.
    2)      The division of labour is based on the gender division between men and women. Women are generally discriminated against and dominated by men. This societal setup is also referred to as the Patriarchal system that gives men more value and power over women.
    3)      Work is the basis of all this discrimination in society. This further leads to bias in economic and political spheres based on gender division.
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