economicsWhy is it that while there has been a change in the share of three sectors in GDP, a similar shift has not taken place in employment?

Why is it that while there has been a change in the share of three sectors in GDP, a similar shift has not taken place in employment?

  1. A
    Because people do not want to work in the primary sector.
  2. B
    Because not enough jobs are created in the secondary and tertiary sectors.
  3. C
    Because people are not educated enough to work in the secondary sector.
  4. D
    Both (2) and (3) 

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    While there has been a change in the share of three sectors in GDP, a similar shift has not occurred in employment because not enough jobs are created in the secondary and tertiary sectors, and people are not educated enough to work in the secondary sector.
    The largest employer is still in the primary sector since 2000. This is due to the following reasons: secondary and tertiary sectors. First, they do not create enough jobs, so the primary sector employs most workers. Individuals lack the required secondary and tertiary sector required knowledge and credentials. In contrast to the other two industries, the primary sector requires less technical expertise and education. Therefore, people can work in some capacity. The majority of unemployed individuals engage in activities in the primary industry to generate some revenue for their lives.
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