EnglishGeographyConsider the following statements and give the correct optiona ) A wide range of species is found in the mountains according to the variation in height.b) With increase in height, the temperature falls.C) At a height between 1500 metres and 2500 metres most of the trees are conical in shape. These trees are called…………… trees.

Consider the following statements and give the correct option

a ) A wide range of species is found in the mountains according to the variation in height.

b) With increase in height, the temperature falls.

C) At a height between 1500 metres and 2500 metres most of the trees are conical in shape.

 These trees are called............... trees.

  1. A

    Hard Wood Trees

  2. B

    Deciduous Trees

  3. C

    Thorny Bushes

  4. D

    Coniferous Trees

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