GeographyIdentify the statement which is not correct.i) The highest waterfall is Angel Falls of Venezuela in South America.ii) The Niagara Falls located on the border between Mexico and USA in North America. iii) Victoria Falls on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa.

Identify the statement which is not correct.

i) The highest waterfall is Angel Falls of Venezuela in South America.

ii) The Niagara Falls located on the border between Mexico and USA in North America.

 iii) Victoria Falls on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe in Africa.

  1. A

    Only (i) is correct

  2. B

    Only (ii) is incorrect

  3. C

    Both (i) and (iii) are incorrect

  4. D

    All the above are incorrect

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    The Correct option is B i.e. Only (ii) is incorrect
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