EnglishGeographyMica is one of the most indispensable minerals used in electric and electronic industry. Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for the same?  i) It has excellent di-electric strength        ii) It has an insulating propertyiii) It shows low power loss                          iv) It shows resistance to high voltage

Mica is one of the most indispensable minerals used in electric and electronic industry. Which of the following is the most appropriate reason for the same?  

i) It has excellent di-electric strength        

ii) It has an insulating property

iii) It shows low power loss                         

 iv) It shows resistance to high voltage

  1. A

    (i) and (ii)

  2. B

    (ii) and (iii)

  3. C

    (iii) and (iv)

  4. D

    All of the above

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