How and Who Invented Exams

How and Who Invented Exams?

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    Exams, like the ones you take in school, were not invented by a single person, and their origins go back a long time. They developed gradually over centuries, and many people contributed to their creation. The idea of testing and assessing people's knowledge and abilities has been around for a very long time. In ancient China, there were written exams as early as 2,000 years ago to select government officials. Ancient Greece and Rome also had forms of testing to evaluate people's knowledge and skills. One person who played a role in shaping modern exams was a man named Henry Fischel. In the 19th century, he introduced the concept of standardized tests, which means that everyone takes the same test under the same conditions. This helped make exams fairer and more consistent. Exams as we know them today, with multiple-choice questions, essays, and a variety of subjects, evolved over time through the efforts of educators and scholars. They became a common way to assess students' understanding and knowledge in different subjects. So, in simple words, exams were not invented by one person, but rather developed over a long time with contributions from many people to assess what we know and what we've learned. Click Here:
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