MathematicsFor what value of k the system of the following linear equations has infinitely many solutions?kx+4y=k-4 and 16x+ky=k.

For what value of k the system of the following linear equations has infinitely many solutions?

kx+4y=k-4 and 16x+ky=k.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    kx+4y=k-4 ,
    16x+ky=k .
    Here, a1=k, b1=4, c1=-(k-4).
    And a2=16, b2=k, c2=-k.
    The given equations are consistent if,
    a1a2=b1b2=c1c2 k16=4k=k-4k k16=4k
    k=±8 Also, 4k=k-4k.
    4k=k2-4k k2-8k=0
    k(k-8)=0 k=0 or k=8
    But k=0 is not possible.
    Therefore, k= 8 is the correct value for infinitely many solutions.
    Hence, the correct option is 2.
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