Search for: MathematicsLet Sbe the set of all a ∈R for which the angle betwen the vectors u⇀=alogebi^-6j^+3k^ andv→=logebi^+2j^+2alogebk^ ,b>1is acute. Then S is equal to Let Sbe the set of all a ∈R for which the angle betwen the vectors u⇀=alogebi^-6j^+3k^ andv→=logebi^+2j^+2alogebk^ ,b>1is acute. Then S is equal to A∞, -43 BϕC-43, 0D127, ∞ Fill Out the Form for Expert Academic Guidance!l Grade ---Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4Class 5Class 6Class 7Class 8Class 9Class 10Class 11Class 12 Target Exam JEENEETCBSE +91 Preferred time slot for the call ---9 am10 am11 am12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm5 pm6 pm7 pm8pm9 pm10pm Please indicate your interest Live ClassesBooksTest SeriesSelf Learning Language ---EnglishHindiMarathiTamilTeluguMalayalam Are you a Sri Chaitanya student? NoYes Verify OTP Code (required) I agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy. Solution:Angle between the vectorsu→,v→ is acute⇒u→.v→>0 ⇒aloge b2-12+6aloge b>0 ∀ b>1 let logeb=t⇒t>0 as b>1 y=at2+6at-12 & y>0, ∀ t>0 a>0,D<0⇒36a2+48a<0 which is not possible For a<0,D<0⇒36a2+48a<0 ⇒12a3a+4<0 -43<a<0⇒y<0 ∴ a∈ϕ Related content Matrices and Determinants_mathematics