MathematicsLet  Sbe the set of all a ∈R for which the angle betwen the vectors u⇀=alogebi^-6j^+3k^ andv→=logebi^+2j^+2alogebk^ ,b>1is acute. Then S is equal to

Let  Sbe the set of all a R for which the angle betwen the vectors u=alogebi^-6j^+3k^ and

v=logebi^+2j^+2alogebk^ ,b>1is acute. Then S is equal to

  1. A

    , -43 

  2. B


  3. C

    -43, 0

  4. D


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    Angle  between the vectorsu,v is acute

    u.v>0 aloge b2-12+6aloge b>0  b>1 let logeb=tt>0 as b>1 y=at2+6at-12 & y>0,  t>0 a>0,D<036a2+48a<0 which is not possible For a<0,D<036a2+48a<0 12a3a+4<0 -43<a<0y<0  aϕ

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