Let y2 = 16x be a given parabola and L be an extremity of its latus rectum in the first quadrant. If a chord is drawn through L with slope-1, then the length of this chord is: 

Let y2 = 16x be a given parabola and L be an extremity of its latus rectum in the first quadrant. If a chord is drawn through L with slope-1, then the length of this chord is: 

  1. A


  2. B


  3. C


  4. D


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    Equation of the latus rectum is x = 4 and the coordinates of L are (4, 8). Equation of the chord through L with slope-1 

    is y8=(x4) 


    Solving the equation of the chord and the parabola we get 

    y2=16(12y)y=8 and -24

    So the coordinates of M the other end of the chord through L is (36, 24). 

    and LM=(364)2+(248)2=322 

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