MathematicsMr. Hansraj wants to find the least number of boxes to be added to get a perfect square. He already has 7924 boxes with him. How many more boxes are required?

Mr. Hansraj wants to find the least number of boxes to be added to get a perfect square. He already has 7924 boxes with him. How many more boxes are required?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

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    Given number of boxes is 7924.
    Calculating square root by division method.
    7924= 89.01
    Hence, the perfect square number smaller than 7924 is 892=7921.
    The next perfect square number is 902=8100.
    So, 8100-7924=176.
    Therefore, Mr. Hansraj needs 176 more boxes in order to get a perfect square number.
    Therefore, option (4) is correct.
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