PhysicsA coil of area A = 0.5 m2 is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 Wb/m2 and makes an angle of 60° with respect to the magnetic field as shown in fig. The value of the magnetic flux through the area A would be equal to :

A coil of area A = 0.5 m2 is situated in a uniform magnetic field B = 4.0 Wb/m2 and makes an angle of 60° with respect to the magnetic field as shown in fig. The value of the magnetic flux through the area A would be equal to :

  1. A

    2 weber

  2. B

    1 weber

  3. C

    3 weber

  4. D

    (3/2) weber

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    magnetic  flux ϕ =BA cos θ

    ϕ=4×0.5×cos600=1 weber

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