A parallel plate capacitor having cross-sectional area A and separation d has air in between the plates.Now, an insulating slab of same area but thickness d / 2 is inserted between the plates as shown infigure having dielectric constant K(= 4). The ratio of new capacitance to its original capacitance will be  

A parallel plate capacitor having cross-sectional area A and separation d has air in between the plates.
Now, an insulating slab of same area but thickness d / 2 is inserted between the plates as shown in
figure having dielectric constant K(= 4). The ratio of new capacitance to its original capacitance will be


  1. A

    2 : 1

  2. B

    8 : 5

  3. C

    6 : 5

  4. D

    4 : 1

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    Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor when medium is air

                     C0=ε0Ad                                                     … (i)

    According to second condition,

                      A' = A, t = d / 2, K = 4

     Capacitance, C=ε0A(d-t) + tK=ε0Ad-d2+d/24




                   C : C0=8 : 5

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