PhysicsA real image is formed by a convex lens, then it is put in contact with a concave lens and again a real image is formed. This image will

A real image is formed by a convex lens, then it is put in contact with a concave lens and again a real image is formed. This image will

  1. A

    Shift towards the lens system

  2. B

    Shift away from the lens system

  3. C

    Remain in its original position

  4. D

    Shift to infinity

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    Convex Lens:

    A convex lens (converging lens) has the property of converging parallel rays of light to a focal point. The real image formed by the convex lens is inverted and can be projected on a screen.

    Concave Lens:

    A concave lens (diverging lens) has the property of diverging rays of light that pass through it. When placed in contact with a convex lens, it alters the focal length of the system.

    Combined Lens System:

    • The focal length of the combination of a convex lens and a concave lens can be calculated using the lens formula: 1/f effective = 1/f convex + 1/f concave
    • If the combined focal length is positive, the system still acts as a converging lens and can form a real image.
    • The position and nature of the final image depend on the object distance, focal lengths of the lenses, and their relative positions.
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