PhysicsWhat is an example of non-uniform circular motion and how does acceleration vary in such motions?

What is an example of non-uniform circular motion and how does acceleration vary in such motions?

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    If  the speed  of the  particle  in  circle  varies, it  is αr example of non-uniform circular motion A roller  coaster  car that  slows  down  and speeds up as it  moves around  vertical  loop. The radial  component of acceleration  αr=v2r which is perpendicular  to the  instantaneous velocity  still  acts and is directed  towards  the center of the circle  . Since  speed  has different  value at different  points  in the motion, the value  of αrαd is not  constant. Radial acceleration  is greatest  at the point  in the  circle  where  the speed  is greatest. In  non- uniform circular  motion there is also  a component  of the acceleration  that is parallel to the  instantaneous  velocity  This  is the  component α|| or αtangential.i.e  tangent  to the circle , αtangential is equal  to rate  of change  of  speed  . Thus  αrad=v2randαtangential=d|v|dt.
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