Two spheres A and B of radius 4 cm and 6 cm are given charges of  80 μC and 40 μC respectively. If they are connected by a fine wire, the amount of charge flowing from one to the other is:

Two spheres A and B of radius 4 cm and 6 cm are given charges of  80 μC and 40 μC respectively. If they are connected by a fine wire, the amount of charge flowing from one to the other is:

  1. A

    20 μC from A to B

  2. B

    16 μC from A to B

  3. C

    32 μC from B to A

  4. D

    32 μC from A to B

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    Total charge Q=80+40=120 μC

    By using the formula Q1'=Q1r1r1+r2

    New charge on sphere A is QA'=QrArA+rB=12044+6=48 μC

    Initially it was 80 μC i.e., 32 μC charge flows from A to B.

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