In the periodic table, there are many elements present that are represented by unique symbols.The chemical element zinc (Zn) is one of the most extensively used metals. A member of the periodic table position of Zinc in the periodic table is Group 12, IIb, and its atomic number is 30. Aluminium (Al) is a light, silvery-white metal, and the symbol is Al; the position of Aluminium in the periodic table is period 3, group IIIA (13), and the atomic number is 13.
Silver is a bright, soft metal, and the symbol is Ag; the position of Silver in the periodic table is Group 11 (Ib), and in period 5, the atomic number is 47. Gold (Au) has a high density; it is referred to as heavy metal, and the symbol Au, the position of gold in the periodic table is Group 11, atomic number is 79.