Laws of Motion

Laws of Motion What make things move or stop? What rules govern their motion? Well, at the first glance, it […]

Faraday’s law

For long time in history, phenomena of electricity and magnetism were considered separate and unrelated. But in last 200 years, […]

Physics Formulas

Physics formulas are the backbone of discipline, serving as powerful tools for understanding and solving complex problems. These all physics […]

Work Formula 

What is Work? Consider a guy doing certain activities like washing dishes, writing a letter and brushing his teeth. Now, […]

Laws Of Motion

Laws of Motion In terms of the Lagrangian (\ref{eq:lagrangian}), the energy-momentum tensor is \begin{equation} T_{\mu\nu} = \frac{\partial{\mathcal{L}}}{\partial(\partial_{\mu}g^{\alpha\beta})} \partial_{\nu}g^{\alpha\beta} – g_{\mu\nu}{\mathcal{L}} […]

Electron Emission

  What is Electron Emission? Electron emission is the process of releasing electrons from the surface of a material. There […]

Work and Power

Work Work is an important part of our lives. We work to earn money to support our families and ourselves. […]

FAQ Friction JEE

Introduction Friction is the force that prevents solid surfaces, fluid layers, and material elements from sliding against one another from […]

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