Read the following statements and choose the correct option. Statement P : Every species in animal kingdom has its own standards of intelligence which reflects through their behaviour.Statement Q : Animals also express feelings like happiness, threat, fear, anger, sadness etc.
Read the following statements. i) Our cells make new substances by a mechanism different from that used by bacteria.ii) The category to which a disease causing organism belongs decides the type of treatment.iii) Many antibiotics work against many species of bacteria rather than simply working against one.
Read the following statements which are related to ploughing.i) It loosens the soil and helps in easy transportation of air and water.ii) Water is stored peripherally for a long time as the soil is soft.iii) Roots penetrate in the deep and can respire well as the air enters easily into the soil.iv) Soil friendly microorganisms and earthworms can grow well when the soil is soft.v) Some Foe microorganisms, insect eggs come out and grow well due to the sunrays.Find the incorrect statements.
Read the following statements and find the correct option Statement I: For making compressed cardboards, bits of wood and saw dust is required.Statement II: This process helps in reducing deforestation.
Read the following statements.i) Seed dispersal is essential for survival of plantsii) The seed adopted to float on water are usually light in weight.
Read the following statements and choose the correct answer.i) Muscles always work in pairs.ii) To move a bone the relaxed muscle contracts and the contracted muscles relaxes.
Read the following statements and choose the correct answer.i) Muscles always work in pairs.ii) To move a bone the relaxed muscle contracts and the contracted muscles relaxes.
Which of the following statements are true about asexual reproduction ?a) There is no involvement of gametesb) One living organism divides and produces two identical species.c) Budding, fission, spore formation are some examples for asexual reproduction.