EnglishCBSE Sample Papers Class 9 SA2 Set 11 English Communicative Solved 2016

CBSE Sample Papers Class 9 SA2 Set 11 English Communicative Solved 2016

for Class 9 SA2 Set 11 2022-23 English solved

CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016 Set 11

1. (a) Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions/complete the sentences that follow :
1. During the Gulf War a few years back, tens of thousands of seabirds were killed due to oil spills. Do you know what makes crude oil on ocean water so deadly ?
2. Crude oil is not used in the same state it is produced at the offshore wells. It is converted in refineries into a wide range of products such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel, fuel oils and petrochemical feedstocks. Before it is refined the oil contains potentially fatal components.
3. Crude oil is made up of compounds of carbon and hydrogen called hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons may be paraffin, the oil which is used as a fuel in heaters and lamps or cycloparaffins (napthenes) or aromatic compounds in varying proportions. While crudes found in the U.S. are mostly paraffinic, these found along the Gulf Coast are naphthenic which contain sulphur compounds in varying amounts, a small amount of nitrogen and very little oxygen. All crudes will have nickel and vanadium in high concentration. Iron may be found in inorganic form due to corrosion of pipes.
4. Paraffins like methane and ethane are asphyxiants which will cause suffocation. The effects of cycloparaffins are similar to those of the paraffins but the unsaturated paraffins are more noxious than the saturated ones.
1. The spilling of crude oil in the sea means .
2. Crude oil has a number of .
3. The crude oil can be either .
4. The death by suffocation is caused by .
5. The synonym for changing is (para 3).

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    (b) Read the following passage carefully :
    The queries were answered by the parents haltingly and with obvious anguish. What struck me as the worst part of the situation was that the girl would be often gravely looking on, her eyes aghast with horror and self-pity, aware that she was the topic of discussion. She had no other pastime than to run around the house, or play with the servants. She did not go to school, as there was none there to cater for her needs. They had tried to teach her at home, but without success. She could only hear faintly, without feeling much,
    ‘ when one shouted close to her ears; and she could speak nothing except
    utter animal-like cries of happiness and sorrow;. or say crudely such words as ‘ma-ma’ or ‘unc-11’. All her other communications were confined to ges¬tures with her hands, which brought a fleeting sensation of torture to her whole being when one failed to follow what she was saying.
    To save the child from such repeated humiliation, I one day suggested something to the Bhandaris which the parents, after some trepidation, agreed to try. We decided to have bits of paper typed, and to hand over one of these chits, duly sealed in a cover, to every new visitor as soon as he entered the Guest House. The text of the chit ran : Our daughter is deaf and dumb. You may hurt her by trying to be friendly too soon, as she can neither understand nor reply to your kind words. You are requested to please give her time to i approach you and make your acquaintance. Thank you.
    1. On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following statements :
    (а) The author noticed the self-pity of the girl when .
    (b) The girl relied for communication .
    2. Answer these questions briefly.
    (a) What was the cause of the suffering of the girl’s parents ?
    (b) What was decided to save the girl from embarrassment ?
    3. Find a word from the passage which means the same as ‘a person one knows slightly’ (para 2).

    2. Read the following passage carefully and on the basis of your study of the passage answer the questions given below :
    1. Sociability should also be exhibited in our dealings with animals. They too are sentient beings, and some of them are capable of attachment and devotion to human beings and to one another. Man killed many animals in the early period of civilization in order to clear the jungle, and the same cruel but unavoidable process can be witnessed in new colonies. There are also noxious, venomous, and ferocious animals like tigers, jaguars, wolves, sharks, snakes, and others, which kill us, and we must kill them. We are not responsible for their appearance on earth, and they cannot be tamed and used. There was only one wolf of Gubbio, and even he did not exist. Rats, flies, wasps, locusts, white ants, and other animals destroy our property or spread disease; they must be destroyed. We cannot afford to feed all these hungry hordes. Zoroaster enjoined upon all his disciples the duty of exterminating such pests, and you should follow his teaching. But all animals which are employed in the service of man should be treated with the greatest kindness and sympathy. They are your colleagues and comrades. They have also done their part in building up the fabric of civilization. Feed them well; lay not too heavy burdens on them; give them medicine and a holiday when they are sick; allow them a day of rest now and then; give them a warm blanket in cold weather; speak affectionately to them at times. They can feel the words of love, though they do not understand them. The cow, the ass, the shepherd’s dog, the horse, the camel, the bullock, the elephant, the milkman’s dog, the pony, the yak, and other domesticated animals are humble and helpless members of the fellowship of Labour. They must not be robbed of their rights, especially as they cannot strike back, or agitate for the redress of their grievances. But do not make useless “pets” of dogs, cats, parrots, and other animals. Don’t waste precious human affection and care on such idle parasites. There are many lovely children whom you can pet and fondle. The enormous army of “pet” dogs of all varieties is only a ridiculous appendage to feminine frivolity in capitalist society. What useful purpose do they serve ? Their biscuits, kennels, and hospitals represent so much sheer waste of money and time. A prince has even built a palace for his dogs ! This foolish cynophilism must cease. No animals should be kept as “pets”: children should be our “pets”. The animals are to be welcomed only as fellow-workers.
    2. Avoid and eschew unnecessary cruelty to animals in all its various forms. Don’t take part in blood-sports like stag-hunting and fox-hunting, or in horse-races, grey-hound-races, bull-fights, cock-fights, and bulbul-fights. Such diversions are tainted with both cruelty and frivolity. Don’t cut off a steak from a living cow or ox, as some Abyssinians do. Don’t buy furs that have been obtained by cruel and atrocious methods. Don’t cook shell-fish or any other animals alive. Don’t eat them raw and alive. Disapprove of the circus-performances of some animals (like cats), which cannot be trained without cruel tortures. Don’t kill birds or worms just for fun: there is no fun in being cruel. Don’t whip any working animal (horse, donkey, or another) at any time, a whip is always the badge of inhumanity. Don’t starve them in old age : feed them well or kill them painlessly. In the hot weather, stop frequently at the water-troughs by the roadside. On festival days, give them also a feast of carrots, apples, and other dainties, as you enjoy your Christmas or Diwali dinner. Always be kind, considerate and humane.
    (a) What arguments would you advance to stop cruelty to animals ?
    (b) Do you agree with the author that animals are to be treated as our fellow workers, and not pets ?

    CBSE Sample Papers Class 9 SA2 Set 11

    (Writing & Grammar)
    3. You are Anush/Anusha studying in Standard IX. You read a newspaper
    article on ‘The 7th billion child is born in Lucknow You wonder whether it is an occasion to celebrate or a cause for concern for the people. Write an article for your school magazine expressing your anxiety at the rate of population explosion in India and suggest measures to ensure that every child is assured of his fundamental rights. (100-120 words)

    4. Write a short story in about 150-200 words with the help of the given outline: (HOTS)
    Caliph Harun Rashid of Bagdad roaming in disguise — met a beggar — beggar wished to be kicked — beggar’s story — flourishing farmer — met a faqir — told him of gold mine — loaded eighty camels with gold — beggar’s greed— his entire gold treasure gone.

    5. Choose the most appropriate options from the ones given below to complete the following passage :
    When we reach there they (a)—— already left for office. So there is no need to hurry. Drive slowly (b)—— enjoy the scene on (c) —— way.

    (a) (i) were (ii) will have (iii) will be (iv) will
    (b) (i) for (ii) but (iii) and (iv) so
    (c) (i) the (ii) an (iii) some (iv) that

    6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction against the correct blank number in your answer sheet. The first one has been done for you as an example.
    Be happy; you shall has your red e.g., has——- have
    rose. I will built it out of music (a) ——-
    by moonlight, but stain it with my (b)——-
    own heart’s blood. All what I ask of you (c) ——-
    of return is that you will be a true lover.(d) ——-

    7. Read the conversation given below and then complete the report that follows. Write your answers in the answer sheet against the correct blank numbers.
    Radha : Why don’t you stay with us ?
    Suman : I can’t.
    Radha : Give me your reason.
    Radha asked Suman (a)——- . Suman said (b)——- . Then Radha asked her (c) ——-.

    Also Get PDF: CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 SA2 English Communicative Solved 2016

    (Literature Textbook & Long Reading Text)
    8. Read the following extract and answer the questions that follow.
    When I cry the hills laugh When I humble myself the flowers rejoice When I bow all things are elated
    (a) When do the hills laugh ?
    (b) What do you mean by ’When I cry’ ?
    (c) When do the flowers feel happy ?
    “Listen to this”, said he. Trevelyan is sitting with the Princess Alwyana at the back end of the tulip garden.
    (а) Who are Trevelyan and Prince Alwyna referred to ?
    (b) Who is ‘he’ in this extract ?
    (c) What is the subject of discussion ?

    9. Answer these questions in 30-40 words each :
    (a) The poem ‘Song of the Rain’ ends with a kind of blessing to all. Comment.
    (b) What is the last stage of life, according to Shakespeare ?
    (c) What do you think of Colonel Allyn ?
    (d) Why was the convict sent to prison ? What was the punishment given to him ? (The Bishop’s Candlesticks)

    10. ‘Yes, I remember! she was ill, we had no food, I could get no work, it was a bad year, and my wife, my Jeanette, was ill, dying, so I stole to buy her food.”
    Is it in any way justified to resort to some evil practice like stealing when one is starving ? And how should such a person be treated in. case he is caught red-handed ? Write a paragraph on the value of compassion keeping in view the convict’s story.
    Value Points :
    • no evil practice can be morally condoned
    • punishment should be educative not destructive
    • circumstances to be taken into consideration while executing justice
    • humane treatment more fruitful
    “But when Colonel Allyn comes in, the place seemed to light up. You could almost hear a band playing ”
    In what context does the speaker describe Colonel Allyn’s dwelling place ? How does he suggest the value of peace of mind ? Write a paragraph about it.
    Value Points :
    • only a dweller’s lively spirits make the place vibrant
    • liveliness of spirit comes from peace within
    • peace of mind essential in life
    • comes from contentment

    11. How did Gulliver reach the land of Houyhnhnms?
    What did Gulliver find strange in the flying island, Laputa ?
    How did Harris behave when George and the narrator returned from their round of Henley ?
    Describe the homeward journey of the friends from Oxford.

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