EnglishAP SSC 10th class English-1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 3

AP SSC 10th class English-1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 3

AP SSC 10th class English-1 Model paper 2015-16 English Medium Set 3

Part – A

(1-10) Answer ANY FIVE of the following questions in two or three sentences each.
1.How did Nick’s parents help him to become independent ? (Attitude is Altitude)
2. Why do the Jordans take a long time to get to the house of the Slaters ? What does it show about the two sisters’ attitude towards each other?(The Dear Departed1)
3. Why was the author reluctant to carry his own luggage ? What would you do if you
were in the author’s place 00?(The Journey)
4. How was Ray perceived by the outsiders ? Was this perception true of Ray’s real
character? (Rendezvous with Ray)
5. “Greetings to you, sir, how are things with you ?” Bayaji greeted Bhujaba. Why did
Bhujaba become furious? (The Storeyed House – I)
6. According to Maathai, how are women responsible for the protection of the envi­ronment ? (Environment)
7. “I filled the slot.” What does the sentence mean ? (My Childhood)
8. Why did the game next morning astonish the author ? What did he see ?(Jamaican Frag men t)
9. What made ‘Maya Bazaar’ a landmark film ? (Maya Bazaar)
10.Why does the thrush weave her nest ? (Or Will the Dreamer Wake ?)
11. Read the following stanza.
Once upon a time, son, ,
they used to laugh with their hearts
and laugh with their eyes:
but now they only laugh with their teeth,
while their ice-block-cold eyes
search behind my shadow. (Once upon a Time)
Now answer the following questions.
a. Who is the poet addressing to ?
b. What does the poet want to explain through these lines ?
c. What does the expression ‘ice-block-cold eyes’ mean ?
d. How were the people in the past ?
e. How do the people laugh now ?
12. Read the following text.
When I was a child, which is almost more than fifty years ago, the environment was very pristine, very beautiful, and very green. We were a British colony, and the British government at that time started to clear cut the indigenous forests in our forested mountains because they wanted to establish commercial plantations of exotic species of trees such as the pines from the northern hemisphere and the eucalyptus from Australia. These trees are very nice, they grow tall, and they grow very fast, but as they grow they destroy all the local biological diversity. All the flora and fauna disappeared. So although we were getting commercial timber for the growing timber industry, we also destroyed our local flora and fauna.(Environment)
Now answer the following questions.
a. What did the British government do ?
b. Why did they clear cut the indigenous forests in forested mountains ?
c. What did the exotic species do ?
13. Read the following lines.
To Mrs. John Shorrocks who keeps the ‘Ring-o-Bells’. We’ve had it fixed up a good while now, but I was keeping it for a pleasant surprise. (He rises.) I felt I was a bit of a burden to you, so I found someone who’d think it a pleasure to look after me. (The Dear Departed – II)
Now answer the following questions.
a. Who is the speaker of these words ? ‘
b. Who was feeling the speaker as a burden ?

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    Part – B
    14.Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is numbered and for each blank, four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks.
    Radio programmes ________ (1) us with news___________ (2) views. They help us to keep______ (3) of the latest developments___________ (4) in India but also in other countries ____________ (5) the world.
    15. Match the part of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence part in ‘B’ against the sentence part in ‘A’.
    16. (a) Arehana slipped when the teacher was writing.
    (b) Alpana slipped down when the teacher was writing.
    Who fell down ? Ans. ____________
    Report the following into Indirect Speech.
    Ravi said to Hari, “We shall leave tomorrow.”
    17. Identify the tense and give reasons for use of the tense used.
    Time flew, and five months into my marriage I realized it;
    18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form.
    Viswanath directed ‘Shankarabharanam’.
    19. Combine the sentences with ‘too – to’.
    Rakesh is very intelligent. He can write any difficult topic in his own words.
    Ans: ______________________________
    20. Fill in the blanks with right contractions.
    I________ (will) play till evening so that we ________(need not) be bored of holiday.
    21. Fill in the blanks choosing the right words from those given in the brackets.
    1. Father laughed________ _____ my plight. (on, at, with)
    2.Children depend____________ parents for everything. (for, of, on)
    3. Please write__________ (in, with, of)
    4. Try to stand__________
    22. Fill in the blanks with word in the box that collocates with the underlined word.
    Standing, fitting , outstanding, thunderous
    a.The actor performed everything in a________________ mann
    b. There was a_________________ clapping when the audience watched Sudha
    Chandran’s dance performance.
    c. Samuel received a ____________ ovation whe he was awarded the prize.
    d. The X std. students of our school showed_________ performance in examinations.
    23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined.
    a) Every person has some strengths and___________.
    b) Seema goes to office regularly but her recent illness made her___________.
    c) A true player should take success and________________ at same wavelength.
    d) The king was very proud but his living in forest made him________________ .
    24. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the underlined words.
    a) The war did not perturb the soldiers but caused_________________ in the Emperor.
    b) Chetan was promoted conditionally; this____________ might bring change in him.
    c) Keertana received a parcel and signed on the______________________ by courier.
    d) Geetha performed very excellently and was rewarded for her great___________.

    26. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets.
    (a) tr_ _ sure (b) 1_ __ sure
    27. Complete the following words with letters given in brackets.
    (a) sensi__ (bel/ble) (b) crea_____ (tion/sion)
    28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided.
    (a) versatile, reputasion, liaison, crucible, Ans. ____________
    (b) theatrical, theoritical, skeptic, classic Ans. ____________
    29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out.
    (a) pure, poor, tour , sure Ans. ____________
    (b) reedy, brief, ready, clear Ans. ____________
    30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
    truthful, reversion , liable , measure
    31. The boy going to school saw an old man trying to cross road. How would he offer his help ? 1
    Ans :____________________________________________.
    33. Change the following into a polite request.
    You to the shopkeeper : Give me a tin of refined oil.
    Ans: ______________________________________.





    Part – A .
    1. How did Nick’s parents help him to become independent ?
    A.Right from Nick’s childhood, his parents did their best to make him independent. Nick’s father put him in the water at 18 months and gave him the courage to learn swimming. He encouraged Nick to get into football and skating. He taught him how to type with his toe at just six years old. Nick’s mother invented a special plastic device that meant Nick could hold a pen and pencil. Despite the risk of being bullied, Nick’s parents joined him mainstream school. These efforts helped Nick become independent.

    2. Why do the Jordans take a long time to get to the house of the Slaters ? What does it show about the two sisters’ attitude towards each other ?
    A. The Jordans wrere late because they bought proper mourning dresses to wear before they came to Slaters house.
    Both the sisters were competing against each other and trying to be one up the other. Mrs. Slater thought that her sister wouldn’t have thought of mourning clothes, meanwhile Mrs. Jordan had already bought ready-made clothes for mourning. Rather than being concerned about the death in the family, both the sisters were worried about their appearances and how’ they could outdo each other.

    3. Why was the author reluctant to carry his own luggage ? What would you do if you were in the author’s place ?
    A. The author was reluctant to carry his own luggage as he had the feeling that if he carried the luggage, the whole world would laugh at him. He thought that his edu­cation had made him shun physical labour. If I were in the author’s place, I would not do what he did. 1 would myself carry the luggage without looking for others’ help.

    4. How was Ray perceived by the outsiders ? Was this perception true of Ray’s real character ?
    A. Ray had a massive stature in terms of his physique and intellect. He was a shy person and always very discreet about displaying his emotions. His friends affec­tionately called him ‘Manikda’. To outsiders, he was a cold, aloof, and sometimes intimidating. But, in reality he was a very simple and unassuming man with subtle sense of humour.

    5. “Greetings to you, sir, how are things with you ?” Bavaji greeted Bhujaba. Why did Bhujaba become furious ?
    A. Bayaji’s greetings were verv plain and simple. Bavaji was a Mahar bv caste and according to age-old custom he should have greeted Bhujaba with ‘My humble salutations to you, sir, who are my father and mother.’ On hearing the simple greet­ing from Bavaji, Bhujaba felt that Bavaji did not respect him well enough. So he became furious.

    6. According to Maathai, how are women responsible for the protection of the environ­ment ?
    A. Women work on farms. The} are the people who plant trees, cultivate land and produce food. They need firewood and building material. When Wangari Maathai asked them to plant trees, they planted trees and contributed to the protection of environment. The ability of ordinary, illiterate women in understanding how to plant trees and protecting them was remarkable.

    7. “I filled the slot.” What does the sentence mean ?
    A. During the Second World War the emergency was declared. The first casualty came in the form of the suspension of the train halt at Rameswaram station. The newspapers were to be bundled and thrown out from the moving train on the Rameswaram Road between Rameswaram and Dhanuskodi. Samsuddin, the cousin of Kalam needed a helping hand to catch the bundles of newspapers. Then Kalam came forward to do that job. In the above context, ‘I filled the slot’ means that Kalam agreed to catch the bundles of newspapers at the station .

    8. Why did the game next morning astonish the author ? What did he see?
    A. The next day the black boy and the white boy changed their roles. The black boy was acting as a master and the white boy as his slave. This made the narrator astonished. He saw that the black boy was striding imperiously up and down and white youngster walked abjectly behind him taking orders from his black master.

    9. What made ‘Maya Bazaar’ a landmark film ?
    A. Maya Bazaar became a landmark movie because of the sterling performances of great film stars. Apart from that the director K V Reddy had full control over every frame of the film. It is a blend of supreme artistical talent and technical brilliance of the unit.

    10. Why does the thrush weave her nest ?
    A. The thrush bird is an endangered species. She is concerned about her care. She exercises care to look alter her new born. She weaves a nest for the safety of her eggs and her young.

    11.a) Who is the poet addressing to ?
    A. The poet is addressing to his son.
    b) What does the poet want to explain through these lines ?
    A. Through these lines the poet wants to explain the artificiality of relationships and manners prevailing in the present day world.
    c) What does the expression ‘ice-block-cold eyes’ mean ?
    A. The expression ‘ice-block-cold eyes’ means that the eyes are expressionless.
    d)How were the people in the past ?
    A. The people in past used to laugh with their hearts. There used to be sincerity in their laugh. ,
    e) How do the people laugh now ?
    A. Now the people laugh with their teeth artificially and superficially.

    12.a) What did the British government do ?
    A. The British government started to clear cut the indigenous forests in the forested mountains of Africa.
    b)Why did they clear cut the indigenous forests in forested mountains ?
    A. Because they wanted to establish commercial plantations of exotic species of trees such as pines and eucalyptus.
    b). What did the exotic species do ?
    A. The exotic species grow tall and they grow very fast, but as they grow they destroy also the local biological diversity.

    13. a)Who is the speaker of these words ?
    A. Abel Merryweather was the speaker of these words.
    b) Who was feeling the speaker as a burden ?
    A. Mrs. Amelia Slater and Mrs. Elizabeth Jordan, the two daughters of Abel Merryweather were feeling the speaker to be a burden.
    Part – B

    14.Complete the passage, choosing the right words from those given below. Each blank is numbered and for each blank, four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) are given. Choose the correct answer from these choices and write (A), (B), (C) or (D) in the blanks.
    Radio programmes ________ (1) us with news___________ (2) views. They help us to keep______ (3) of the latest developments___________ (4) in India but also in other countries ____________ (5) the world.
    A. (1) D (2) A (3) D (4) A (5) C

    15. Match the part of sentences under ‘A’ with those under ‘B’. Write the letter of the sentence part in ‘B’ against the sentence part in ‘A’.
    A. (i) D (ii) E (iii) A (iv) C (v) B

    16. (a) Arehana slipped when the teacher was writing. 1
    (b) Alpana slipped down when the teacher was writing.
    Who fell down ? Ans. ____________
    Report the following into Indirect Speech.
    Ravi said to Hari, “We shall leave tomorrow.”
    A.Alpana (or) Ravi told Hari that they would leave the next day.

    17. Identify the tense and give reasons for use of the tense used.
    Time flew, and five months into my marriage I realized it;
    A. The time mentioned was unambiguous, so the simple past tense was used in the sentence.
    flew – simple past
    realized – simple past.

    18. Rewrite the following sentence in passive form.
    Viswanath directed ‘Shankarabharanam’.
    A.‘Shankarabharanam’ was directed by Viswanath.

    19. Combine the sentences with ‘too – to’.
    Rakesh is very intelligent. He can write any difficult topic in his own words.
    A. Rakesh is too intelligent to write any difficult topic in his own words.

    20. Fill in the blanks with right contractions.
    I________ (will) play till evening so that we ________(need not) be bored of holiday.
    A. I’ll ; needn’t

    21. Fill in the blanks choosing the right words from those given in the brackets.
    1. Father laughed________ _____ my plight. (on, at, with)
    2.Children depend____________ parents for everything. (for, of, on)
    3. Please write__________ (in, with, of)
    4. Try to stand__________
    A.(a) at (b) on (c) in (d) on

    22. Fill in the blanks with word in the box that collocates with the underlined word.
    Standing, fitting , outstanding, thunderous
    a.The actor performed everything in a________________ mann
    b. There was a_________________ clapping when the audience watched Sudha
    Chandran’s dance performance.
    c. Samuel received a ____________ ovation whe he was awarded the prize.
    d. The X std. students of our school showed_________ performance in examinations.
    A.(a)fitting (b) thunderous (c) standing (d) outstanding

    23. Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to those underlined.
    a) Every person has some strengths and___________.
    b) Seema goes to office regularly but her recent illness made her___________.
    c) A true player should take success and________________ at same wavelength.
    d) The king was very proud but his living in forest made him________________ .
    A.(a)weaknesses (b)irregular (c)failure (d)modest/humble

    24. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the underlined words.
    a) The war did not perturb the soldiers but caused_________________ in the Emperor.
    b) Chetan was promoted conditionally; this____________ might bring change in him.
    c) Keertana received a parcel and signed on the______________________ by courier.
    d) Geetha performed very excellently and was rewarded for her great___________.
    A.(a) perturbance (b)promotion (c) receipt (d) performance

    A. linkers indicating addition linkers indicating contrasts
    1)in the same way 1)but
    2)besides 2)on the other hand
    3) to sum up 3)still
    4)however 4)although

    26. Complete the following words with the letters given in brackets.
    (a) tr_ _ sure (b) 1_ __ sure
    A.(a) treasure(b) leisure

    27. Complete the following words with letters given in brackets.
    (a) sensi__ (bel/ble) (b) crea_____ (tion/sion)
    A.(a) sensible(b) creation

    28. One word in each set is wrongly spelt. Rewrite it correctly in the space provided.
    (a) versatile, reputasion, liaison, crucible, Ans. ____________
    (b) theatrical, theoritical, skeptic, classic Ans. ____________
    A.(a) reputation(b) theoretical

    29. Look at the two sets of words given below. In each set, the letters underlined in the two words are pronounced in the same way. Find the words and copy them out.
    (a) pure, poor, tour , sure Ans. ____________
    (b) reedy, brief, ready, clear Ans. ____________
    A.(a) tour ; sure(b) reedy ;brief

    30. Arrange the following words in alphabetical order.
    truthful, reversion , liable , measure
    A.liable, measure, reversion,truthful

    31. The boy going to school saw an old man trying to cross road. How would he offer his help ?
    A.May I help you, sir ? (Or)Would you like me helping you ?
    A.(i) a (ii) a

    33. Change the following into a polite request.
    You to the shopkeeper : Give me a tin of refined oil.
    A.Please give me atin of refined oil.
    Could you please give me a tin of refined oil ?





    A. (c) Welcome home


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