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NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter

NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Marigold Chapter 15 Make it Shorter

Summary In English
This story is about an incident that took place in the Akbar’s court. One day Akbar decides to test the intelligence of his ministers. He draws one line and urges all of them to make that line shorter without rubbing or touching it. After thinking a lot, all of them were unable to make that line shorter. At last, Birbal draws a second line a little longer undert that line. By doing this he solves out the puzzle and makes the line shorter without rubbing or touching it.

Summary In Hindi
यह कहानी अकबर के दरबार में घटी एक घटना पर आधारित है। एक दिन अकबर ने अपने मंत्रियों की बुद्धिमता की परीक्षा लेने का निर्णय किया। उसने एक रेखा खींची तथा सभी को बिना उस रेखा में हाथ लगाए या उसे छुए, छोटा करने को कहा। बहुत सोचने के बाद भी कोई भी उस रेखा को छोट। नहीं कर सका। । अंत में, बीरबल ने उस रेखा के नीचे एक बड़ी रेखा खींच दी। उसके साथ ही बिना रेखा को छुए अथवा हाथ लगाए छोटा करने की पहेली का भी उसने हल कर दिया।

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    Hindi Translation Of The Story
    1. One day, Akbar drewa line on the floor
    and ordered, “Make this line shorter,
    but don’t rub out any part of it.”

    एक दिन अकबर ने जमीन पर एक रेखा खींची।
    “तथा आदेश दिया- इस रेखा को बिना उसके किसी
    हिस्से को मिटाए, छोटा करो।”

    Word-Meanings : Drew (ड्रे) Created, बनाया। Shorter (शॉर)-a tiny, छोटा। Rub ( रब) -to remove, मिटाना।।

    2. No one knew what to do. Each minister
    looked at the line and was puzzled. No
    one could think of any way to make it
    longer, No one could think of how it
    could be made shorter without erasing it.

    किसी को नहीं पता था कि क्या करे। प्रत्येक मंत्री
    उस रेखा को देखकर हैरान हो रहा था। किसी को
    उस रेखा को लंबा करने का तरकीब नहीं सूझ
    रही थी। कोई यह नहीं समझ पा रहा था कि बिना
    मिटाए उस रेखा को छोटा कैसे किया जा सकता है।

    Word-Meanings : Minister (मिनिस्टर) -a head under the king, वजीर। Puzzled (पजलुड) did not understand, समझ नहीं पाया। Erasing (इरेजिग) clearing, मिटाए।

    3. Birbal started smiling. When it was
    his turn, he went near the line. Birbal
    drew a longer line under the first one.
    He didn’t touch the first line.

    बीरबल मुस्कराने लगा। जब उसकी बारी आई तो
    वह रेखा के नज़दीक गया। बीरबल ने पहली रेखा
    के नीचे एक बड़ी रेखा खींच दी। उसने पहली
    रेखा को छुआ तक नहीं।

    Word-Meanings : Smiling (स्माइलिंग) -laughing study, मुस्कराना।

    4. Everyone in the court saw what he drew
    and said – “That’s true. The first line is
    shorter now!”

    सभी लोगों ने उसके द्वारा खींची गई रेखा को
    देखा तथा कहा-“यह सत्य है। अब पहली रेखा
    छोटी हो गई है।”

    Word-Meanings : Everyone (एवरिवन) -each person, सभी लोग। Court (कोर्ट) -the house of King (here), राजा का दरबार।

    NCERT Textbook Questions

    Reading is Fun
    Question 1.
    What did Akbar order one day?
    एक दिन अकबर ने क्या आदेश दिया?
    One day Akbar drew one line on the flour and ordered his ministers to make that line shorter without touching and rubbing any part of it.

    Question 2.
    What did each minister do?
    प्रत्येक मंत्री ने क्या किया?
    Each minister kept thinking but could not succeed.

    Question 3.
    How did Birbal make the line shorter?
    बीरबल ने रेखा को किस प्रकार छोटा किया?
    Birbal drew a second line a bit longer under the line by doing that the first line became shorter.

    Say Aloud
    Question 1.
    Which letters cannot be heard when we say the words?
    जब हम बोलते हैं। तो इसमें से कौन-सा अक्षर सुनाई नहीं पड़ता?
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Say Aloud Q1
    Do it yourself.

    Team Time
    Question 1.
    Discuss with your partner and draw pictures to show the following
    अपने मित्र के साथ विचार-विमर्श करो तथा निम्नलिखित बातों को दर्शाने वाले चित्र बनाओ।
    1. The ball on the left side is bigger than the one on the right.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Team Time Q1
    2. Rita is shorter than Radha.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Team Time Q1.1
    3. Raghu’s basket is heavier than Ratan’s.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Team Time Q1.2
    4. Rajat is taller than Raj.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Team Time Q1.3
    Do it yourself.

    Picture Story
    One day a little mouse was
    looking for something to eat.
    He found a pencil.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1
    “I’m going to bite you.”
    said the mouse. And he bit it hard.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.1
    “You are hurting me,”
    said the pencil. “Let me
    draw you one last picture
    and then you can do
    what you like!”
    “Very well,” said the mouse.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.2
    The pencil drew a big circle.
    “Is that a cheese?” asked
    the mouse.
    “We’ll call it a cheese,”
    said the Pencil
    and it drew three little circles
    inside the big one.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.3
    “That’s an apple,” squeaked the mouse.
    “Let’s call it an apple,” said the pencil
    and it began drawing some funny curved
    things near the second circle.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.3
    “Why, those are cucumbers,”
    said the mouse, licking his lips.
    “I wish you’d hurry. I simply can’t
    wait to get my teeth into them!”
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.5
    The pencil drew two little
    triangles on the top circle.
    “Oh, oh!” squeaked the mouse.
    “Now you’ve made it like a cat!
    Don’t go on!”
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.6
    But the pencil went on,
    till it had drawn long
    whiskers and a mouth on
    the top circle.
    And the mouse cried
    out in terror, “It’s a real
    cat! Help!”
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Picture Story Q1.7
    Now see if YOU can draw
    a cat that looks real
    enough to frighten away
    the mice! [V. Suteyev]

    Question 1.
    Describe the cat in your own words.
    बिल्ली का वर्णन अपने शब्दों में करो।
    The cat is of white colour. She is very fat. She looks very active. She has a cute looking face with four whiskers. It has four legs. It has a long tail.

    Let’s Make
    Materials required:
    A 2″ by 2″ square piece of chart paper, red and black sketch pens and glue.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Lets Make Q1
    Colour the square chart
    paper with the colour of your choice.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Lets Make Q1.1
    Hold any one corner of the square
    between your thumb and pointer
    finger and roll the chart paper with
    your other hand in such a way that
    it takes the shape of a cone.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Lets Make Q1.2
    Apply glue to the outer edge and stick it.
    Your pencil cap is ready. Put it on the end
    of your pencil and see how nice it looks.
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Lets Make Q1.3
    Do it yourself.

    Let’s Practise
    NCERT Solutions for Class 2 English Chapter 15 Make it Shorter Lets Practise Q1

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