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Since the ancient time, India has remained under international spotlight, due to its immense wealth, spices, gold and an enormous expanse of natural resources, that’s why India was known as Golden Bird or Sone Ki Chidiya at one point of time. And to exploit its seamless wealth the country has been time and again invaded and ruled by numerous dynasties which include Sakas, Kushanas, Huns, Afghans, Turks, Khiljis, Lodhis and Mughals to the Britishers.
Even, Alexander- the great ruler of ancient Greek kingdom also voyaged across several miles along with a huge army of Yavans in 326BC to invade India. However, his impressive winning streak finally met with an unfortunate end at the Hydaspas River where the most powerful King Porus of Paurava Kingdom (spanned across the current Punjab region) engaged him in a bloody battle and pushed him back.
Overall, if we take a peek into the vast history of the rulers of India, we observe that India has witnessed the rule of several smaller kingdoms, while the power centres, mostly remained divided among the rulers of Magadha and Southern India. The bringing together of smaller states and kingdoms spanning from Himalayan region to Indian ocean, into one unified country was made possible only during the era of British rule.
Finally, the British rule in India also ended in the year 1947 after nearly 200 years of Indian freedom struggle. As far as the recorded history of the rulers in India is concerned – it goes back to the middle of the 6th century BC when Haryanka Dynasty of Magadha emerged as the most powerful kingdom among its counterparts in North India. Here we present a brief history of the great emperors, who ruled over almost entire India.
Who Ruled India?
Haryanka Dynasty (c. 544 BCE- 413 BCE)
Haryanka Dynasty constituted the area currently known as Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Bangladesh and Nepal together that was known as Magadha, the present day Patliputra. Founded by Bimbisara, the Haryanka Dynasty surfaced after defeating Barhadrath Dynasty founded by Brihadratha. The capital of Haryanka Dynasty was Rajgir and the most powerful king of this dynasty was Ajatshatru, the son of Bimbisara. Ajatshatru imprisoned his father Bimbisara and forcefully succeeded to the throne of Magadha. Ajatshatru later fought a war against the republic of Vaishali which was ruled by Licchchhavis. Ajatshatru conquered Vaishali and went on expanding the boundaries of his kingdom and he defeated almost all his neighbouring smaller kingdoms including Kosala and Kashi. Under the rulership of Ajatshatru, Magadha became the most powerful kingdom of North India. Nagadasaka was the last ruler of Haryanka Dynasty.
Shishunaga Dynasty (c. 544 BCE- 413 BCE)
Haryanka Dynasty was eliminated by Shishunaga Dynasty founded by Shishunaga who was an Amatya in Magadha. He led the revolt by the people against Haryanka Dynasty and captured the throne of Magadha and made Patliputra its capital. Shishunaga was the son of one of the Licchavi rulers of Vaishali. Shishunaga expanded his kingdom to present day Jaipur in Rajasthan, apart from Sindh, Karachi, Lahore, Herat, Multan, Kandahar and Vellore. Even Shishunaga Dynasty spread its wings to Madurai and Kochi in South to Murshidabad in East to Mand in West as well. Shishunaga was succeeded by his son Kakavarna, or Kalashoka followed by his ten sons. Later Nanda Empire captured the throne of this kingdom.
Nanda Dynasty (c. 345 BCE- 321 BCE)
Nanda Empire was established in Magadha in c.345BCE by Mahapadma Nanda, who apart from Shishunagas also defeated many other kingdoms like Haihayas, Kurus, Kalingas, etc and he even expanded his territory to far lying south to the Vindhya Range. Dhana Nanda, one of the nine sons of Mahapadma Nanda was the last ruler of Nanda Empire, a powerful kingdom with a vast army consisting of most powerful cavalry, elephants and infantry. Dhana Nand was the last Nanda emperor and he was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya who established Maurya Empire.
Maurya Dynasty (c. 321 BCE-184 BCE)
Chandragupta Maurya with the assistance of Chanakya established Maurya Empire in 322 BCE in Magadha and expanded it to over 5 million square kilometre, thus it was the largest ever kingdom in the world at that time in 316 BCE. Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya was another powerful emperor of Maurya dynasty who captured almost the entire Indian subcontinent and even expanded his kingdom to present day Asam, Balochistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Ashoka later also conquered Kalinga, but after a severe battle which resulted into mass killings which left Ashoka into a stage of great sorrow and he became a follower of Buddhism to practice nonviolence. He ruled over next 36 years until his death. Maurya Empire continued to exist for the next 56 years. Brihadratha was the last Maurya ruler who was killed by his commander-in-chief Pushyamitra Shunga.
Saka Dynasty, or Indo-Scynthians (200 BCE- 400 CE)
Sakas who invaded and settled in north-western India were nomadic tribes of central Asia. Maus was the first Saka ruler in India and he made Taxila his capital. He was followed by Azes I and Azes II who extended their kingdom till Punjab. Saka rulers were called Saka Satraps. Saka Satraps of Mathura were famous for making great progress. Apart from North India, the Saka also entered in South and extended their kingdom to Kathiawar and Cutch in Gujarat, and till Maharashtra.
The Saka kingdom of Ujjain rulers of which were called as western straps had became most prominent in their region. Chastana was the founder of Saka kingdom of Ujjain. Saka King Rudradaman was a great warrior who conquered the present day Andhra Pradesh, defeating the Andhra King Sri Pulmavi. After the death of Rudradaman, Saka kingdom witnessed seventeen successors.
Shunga Dynasty (c. 185 BCE-73 BCE)
After assassinating the Maurya ruler Brihadratha in the year 185 BCE, Pushyamitra Shunga established Shunga Dynasty and ruled over the region for the next 36 years. Agnimitra, the son of Pushyamitra Shunga succeeded him. There were total ten Shunga rulers who succeeded the throne one after another until the Kanva Dynasty invaded and captured the throne in 73BCE.
Kanva Dynasty (c. 73 BCE-26 BCE)
Vasudeva, the Kanva ruler established Kanva Dynasty in Magadha. He was succeeded by his son Bhumimitra who ruled for the next fourteen years. Narayana, the son of Bhumimitra ruled for the next twelve years. Sushaman, the son of Narayana was the last king of Kanva Dynasty.
Kushan Kingdom (c. 30 to c. 230 CE)
Formed in the early first century, Kushan Empire was established by Yuezhi in the Bactrian territories and it spread further to Afghanistan and north India till Varanasi. The first most powerful ruler of Kushan dynasty was Kajula Kadaphises or, Kdaphises I who is known for issuing gold coins during his rule. Kanishka was one of the great kings of this dynasty, who expanded the kingdom southward towards the Indian subcontinent. The Guptas and the other contemporary Indian kingdoms invaded this empire fragmenting it into semi independent kingdoms.
Satavahana Dynasty (c. 271 BCE-220 CE)
Based in Deccan region, the Satavahana Dynasty was comprised of Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh including Telangana, and their rule even extended to Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka. Gautamiputra Satakarni was one of the most powerful kings under this dynasty. He was succeeded by Vasisthiputra Pulamavi. After the death of Gautamiputra Satakarni, the kingdom began to fall and it ended in the early third century. Satavahana Dynasty had to face continuous invasions of Sakas and Kushanas. Satavahanas are well-known in the history for introduction of coins in their kingdom with portraits of their kings. The Satavahana Dynasty ended near the beginning of third century.

Gupta Kingdom (c. 220- c. 550 CE)
Initiating the golden age in Indian history, Sri Gupta founded the Gupta Kingdom which encompassed maximum part of India during 320 CE to 550 CE. During this period the Gupta kings were successful in ensuring peace and tranquillity in the entire region. It resulted into development and inventions in science and technology; art and engineering as well as in mathematics. Most importantly this period saw spread of Hindu culture. Chandragupta I and Samudragupta were well-known rulers of Gupta dynasty. Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta are the famous monuments and sculptures of this period which has Buddhist, Jain as well as the impressions of Hindus in their creation. The Hindu Udayagiri caves and Dashavatara Temple at Devagarh are a few more eminent historical remains of this period.
Chalukya Empire (c. 543 – c. 753 CE)
It was a prominent south Indian dynasty which later expanded to central India. Pulakeshin II was one of the great rulers of Chalukya dynasty which is known for administrative excellence and overseas trade relations, besides architectural developments. During the rule of Chalukyas, Kannada and Telugu literature saw considerable development.
Chola Kingdom (c. 848 – c. 1251 CE)
Chola dynasty was considered as one of the greatest kingdom in south India which witnessed the golden era when Raja became the king in 985 CE. He extended his kingdom to Sri Lanka Island as well and his successor Rajendra Chola defeated Mahipala, the Pala king and captured the area surrounding the Ganga River.
Chera Kingdom (300 BC – AD 1102)
Chera Kingdom is also called the ancient Dravidian empire which prominently ruled Kerala and Tamilnadu. Chera rulers are also known in the history for establishing trade relations with West Asia, Rome and Greece. Sangam literature is the source of knowledge regarding Chera Kings. According to Sangam literature, Nedum Cheralathan was one of Chera rulers who ruled the kingdom for 58 years.
Delhi Sultanate (1206 AD – 1526 AD)
In the year 1206AD, Delhi Sultanate was founded by the Turks who came from Central Asia and captured most of the North India. Slave dynasty was founded by Qutb-ud-din-Aibak in India in the year 1206. In the year 1290 Jalal ud din Firoz Khilji founded Khilji dynasty in Delhi Sultanate while in the year 1321, Ghiyas ud-Din Tughluq founded Tughluq dynasty. From 1414 to 1451 Sayyid Dynasty succeeded tughluqus in Delhi Sultanate. In the year 1451 Lodi dynasty under headship of Bahlol Lodi captured Delhi Sultanate and ruled until they were replaced by Mughals in 1526. The most powerful Hindu states in that period were Vijaynagara, Rajput States, Mewar, Ahom, etc.
The following dynasties ruled one after another in the era of Delhi Sultanate which spanned from 1206 AD to 1526 AD:
- Slave Dynasty or, Mamluk Dynasty (1206 AD- 1290 AD)
- Khilji Dynasty (1290 AD- 1320 AD)
- Tughlaq Dynasty (1320 AD- 1414 AD)
- Sayyid Dynasty (1414 AD- 1451 AD)
- Lodi Dynasty (1451 AD- 1526 AD)
Mughal Empire (1526 AD- 1858 AD)
After eliminating Lodi dynasty, the Mughal empire spread its wings and captured most of the India and ruled conveniently till 18th century until British annexation started by London-based East India Company. Mughal Empire was founded by Babur after defeating Ibrahim Lodi, the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty, in the year 1526 AD. The Mughal Empire witnessed most powerful Mughal rulers Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, among others. The Mughals not only successfully captured almost the entire India, but they also expanded their boundaries to Afghanistan. The Mughals are also known for shifting their capital many times during their rule. They frequently changed their capital from Agra to Shahjahanabad (Delhi) to Fatehpur Sikri and even to Lahore. Bahadur Shah Zafar was the last Mughal emperor who was later exiled to Rangoon (now Yangon) in the year 1858 by the British.
British Rule (1858 AD-1947 AD)
British East India company had started capturing different provinces of India in the guise of their protectors as early as in the year 1757 when they defeated Nawab of Bengal Sirajuddaulah in the battle of Palassey. In 1793 they captured Mughal’s Bihar-Bengal province and till 1857 the East India Company had captured almost the entire Mughal Empire. However, officially the British rule in India started in the year 1858, after they exiled the last Mughal emperor. British Raj lasted until 15th August 1947 when India got freedom after years of struggle. Since then the country is governed by the representative of its people called Prime Minister. Jawaharlal Nehru of Indian National Congress became the first Prime Minister of India.
Other Dynasties Who Ruled India
A vast country India (recognized as Indian subcontinent in the ancient history), has been ruled by several other dynasties, who were most prominent and powerful in their specific regions. Here we are providing you a glimpse of the other kingdoms including details of some which have been extracted from the Puranas that are part of Vedas:
Paurava Kingdom (890 BC- 322 BC)
Paurava Kingdom was an ancient Indian dynasty spread over the region surrounding river Jhelum (Hydaspes in Greek) extending to Chenab and Beas rivers spanning through parts of the area currently known as Punjab and Pakistan. The Paurava Kingdom is known in the history for averting Greek ruler Alexander’s plans to annex India. In the year 326 BC, King Porous of Paurava Kingdom engaged Alexander in a fierce battle on the banks of river Hydaspes in which Alexander’s army had to bear huge losses.
Vakataka Dynasty (c. 250 – c. 500 CE)
It was a Brahmin Dynasty which originated from Deccan region of India. Vakataka Dynasty is known for development of arts, architecture and literature in India. The Vakataka rulers enjoyed the most stable period in the history of Indian subcontinent and hence they led the development of art, literature and architecture. The world famous Ajanta Caves were constructed during this period. Vindhyashakti was the founder of Vakataka Dynasty and the other prominent Pravarasena I&II, Rudrasena I&II, Devasena and Harisena were among the prominent rulers of Vakataka Dynasty.
Pallava Dynasty (275 CE–897 CE)
The Pallava Dynasty was a South Indian empire known for building splendid temples and sculptures, besides rolling out Pallava script. The detailed history of Pallavas is found in Sangam literature “Manimekalai”. Mahendravarman and Narsimhavarman were among the most prominent rulers of this dynasty. During Pallava era, Hiuen Tsang, the noted Chinese traveller also visited Kanchipuram, known currently as Kanchi in Tamil Nadu.
Western Ganga Dynasty (350–1000 CE)
Western Ganga Dynasty was an ancient kingdom in Karnataka which emerged due to weakening of the hold of Pallava Dynasty in South India. Settled along the Kaveri River, it witnessed the rule of more than 25 kings over the years and among them, Avinita, Durvinita and Sripurusha were the rulers who focussed on major social and cultural development across the region.
Maitraka Dynasty (c.470–c.776 CE)
Maitraka Dynasty was situated in the region currently known as Gujarat in Western India. Vallabhi was the capital of Maitraka Dynasty which later came under the umbrella of Harshavardhan Kingdom of Kannauj.
Shashanka Dynasty (600CE–626 CE)
Shashanka Dynasty was an ancient Kingdom in Bengal formed by the descendent of later Gupta dynasty. King Shashanka was a well-known king of this dynasty who issued Gold and Silver Coins by during his rule.
Pushyabhuti Dynasty (606–647)
Pushyabhuti Dynasty was a major South India dynasty founded by Pushyabhuti, according to the information provided by Harshacharita written by the great poet Bana. Harshavardhana was one of the strongest rulers of this dynasty who expanded its boundaries to North and North-western India as well.
Gurjar- Pratihara Dynasty (650–1036 CE)
Gurjar-Pratihara Dynasty marks more than four centuries rule in Western India in Rajasthan and Gujarat. It emerged after Gupta kingdom started losing ground. The empire later invaded by Mahmud of Ghazani who demolished temples and looted a lot of gold.
Some more dynasties who ruled some parts of India:
Western Kshatrapas (c. 35–405 CE), Harsha Dynasty (606–647), Rashtrakuta Dynasty (735–982), Pala Dynasty (c. 750–1174), Paramara Dynasty (9th to 14th Century), Kabul Shahi Dynasty (c. 500 CE –c.1026 CE), Hoysala Dynasty (1000–1346), Eastern Ganga Rulers (1078–1434), Kakatiya Dynasty (1083–1323 CE), Kalachuris Dynasty (1130–1184), Sutiya Dynasty of Assam (1187–1524), Ahom Dynasty of Assam (1228–1826), Bahmani Dynasty (1347–1527), Malwa Dynasty (1392–1562), Reddy Dynasty (1325–1448 CE), Vijayanagara Kingdom (1336–1646), Sangama Dynasty (1336–1487), Saluva Dynasty (1490–1567), Tuluva dynasty (1491–1570), Dynasty of Mysore (1761–1799), Kingdom of Cochin, Mewar Dynasty of Sisodias (currently Udaipur state), Suri Empire (1540–1545), Monarchs of Sikkim, Monarchs of Ldakh, Deccan Sultanates (1527–1686), Bijapur Dynasty (1490–1686), Ahmadnagar Sultanate (1490–1636), Maratha Dynasty (1674–1881), Golconda Sultanate (1518–1687), Kolhapur Dynasty (1700–1947), Bhosale Dynasty (1707–1839), Kingdom of Travancore (1729–1947), Holkar Dynasty (1731–1948), Sikh Empire (1799–1849), Scindias of Gwalior, Gaekwad Dynasty, Hyderabad State (1720–1948), Foreign emperors in north-western India.
FAQs Related to Who Ruled India
Rapid fire round questions and answers on who ruled India: Here in a nutshell we are providing the specific knowledge on who ruled India in sharp one liner questions and answers:
Who ruled India after Akbar?
After Akbar his eldest son Jahangir ruled India.
Who ruled India after Babar?
Humayun ruled India after Babar under Mugal dynasty.
Who ruled India after Bimbisar?
Ajatshatru imprisoned his father Bimbisar and forcefully succeeded to the throne of Magadh.
Who ruled India after Shah Jahan?
Aurangzeb imprisioned his father Shah Jahan and forcefully succeeded to the throne of Mugal Empire in 1618.
Who ruled India after Dhana Nand?
Dhana Nanda, one of the nine sons of Mahapadma Nanda was the last ruler of Nanda Empire which was later overthrown and captured by Chandragupta Maurya with the assistance of Chanakya.
Who ruled India after Haryanka Dynasty?
Haryanka Dynasty was eliminated by Shishunaga Dynasty founded by Shishunaga who was an Amatya in Magadh. Nagadasaka was the last ruler of Haryanka Dynasty.
Who founded Delhi Sultanate and which dynasty emerged first under its flagship?
Delhi Sultanate was founded by the Turks who came from Central Asia. Slave dynasty founded by Qutub-ud-din-Aibak in the year 1206 was the first flagship kingdom under Delhi Sultanate.
Who ruled India after Sayyid Dynasty?
In the year 1451 Lodi dynasty under headship of Bahlol Lodi captured Delhi Sultanate being ruled by Sayyid Dynasty and established Lodi Dynasty which ruled until they were replaced by Mughals in 1526.
Which languages flourished during the rule of Chalukya Empire?
During the rule of Chalukyas, Kannada and Telugu literature saw considerable development.
Which literature provides us knowledge on Chera Kingdom?
Sangam literature provides us knowledge on the ancient Dravidian empire known as Chera Kingdom.
Who ruled India after Mughals?
Spread over India and beyond the Mughal Empire came under the complete control of the British East India Company in the year 1857 when it successfully crushed the nationwide sepoy mutiny. Moreover, the East India Company later deposed and exiled the last Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar. Later in the year 1858, Government of India Act was passed in the parliament of United Kingdom and British Crown rule (British Raj) got established formally in India which continued till 1947.
Who ruled India before Mughal Empire?
Before Mughals, India was ruled by several kingdoms lead by both Hindu and Muslim Kings. It was in the year 1526, Babur an afghan ruler from Kabul annexed Delhi Sultanate ruled by Lodi Dynasty and established Mughal Empire which gradually spread its wings all across the country.
Who ruled India before the British?
Mughals Empire ruled India before the establishment of British rule in India.
Countries who ruled India?
India was invaded continuously by several foreign empires, but none of them other than British, French and Portuguese, could succeeded in settling their bases in the country. Portugal established their rule in Goa in 15th century and then British and French also entered India. British rule in India ended in 1947, however the French left the country in 1954 and to end the rule of Portugal in Goa, the government had to take military action in the year 1961.
Who ruled India during the Mughal period?
Over twenty Mughal emperors ruled India one after another till British East India Company annexed this dynasty. They include Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jehangir, Shahryar, Shah Jahan, Aurangzeb (Alamgir), Azam Shah, Bahadur Shah, Jahandar Shah, Farukhsiyar, Rafi-ud-Darajat, Shah Jahan II, Muhammad Shah, Ahmad Shah Bahadur, Alamgir II, Shah Jahan III, Shah Alam II, Akbar Shah II and Bahadur Shah Zafar.
Who ruled India during the time of the famine of Bengal?
Bengal has faced two great famines, first in the year 1770 and another in the year 1943. India was under British East India Company rule during the great famine of Bengal in 1770, while it was under British Crown rule when Bengal faced second major famine in 1943.
Who ruled India during the medieval period?
India was thronged by several dynasties during the medieval period. In the early medieval period the major rulers in India included Rastrakuta, Chalukya, Chola, Kalachri, Hoysala, Kakatiya, besides different Rajput states, Eastern and Western Ganga dynasties while in the late medieval period, the country witnessed the rule of Delhi Sultanate, Vijaynagar Empire, Ahom and Reddy Kingdoms among others.
Who ruled India during the Vedic period?
Vedic period in India can be classified under Early Vedic period during ca. 1500 to 1100 BCE and the Later Vedic period between 1100 to 500 BCE. The Early Vedic period is marked by the arrivals of Aryans in India while the later Vedic period witnessed the rule of Kuru Kingdom, Panchala Kingdom and Kingdom of Videha, etc.
Who ruled India after Gupta Empire?
India was ruled by various smaller kingdoms in different regions after Gupta Empire collapsed. The prominent one among them was Harsh Vardhana in North India while in South India, Chalukyas, Pallavas, Rastrakutas, Pandya were the main rulers.
Who ruled India first?
Samrat Ashoka, the grandson of Chandragupta Maurya who founded Maurya Dynasty in Magadha, was the first ruler of India who unified most of the North Indian states first. Later Ashoka embarked on his winning streak and extended the boundaries of the country to even Greeko Bacterians Empire. In this way, Ashoka captured almost the entire Indian subcontinent.
Who ruled India from 1947 to 1950?
Though India got independence in the year 1947, it remained under British Monarchy until the Constitution of India was prepared in the year 1950 and it became a republic nation.
Who ruled India for 150 years?
Kushan dynasty ruled India for nearly 150 years.
Who ruled India for 16 years?
The first Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru ruled India for more than 16 years. He assumed office on 15th August 1947 and ruled the country until his death on 27th May 1964. In all his tenure as a Prime Minister of India was 16 years, 286 days.
Who ruled India after Gupta dynasty?
Chalukya dynasty and Vardhan Dynasty (also known as Pushyabhuti Dynasty) ruled India in parts after the downfall of Gupta Dynasty. Later Pulkeshin II of Chalukya Dynasty defeated Harshvardhan, the last powerful and noteworthy King of Vardhan Dynasty.
Who ruled during India’s golden age?
The era of Gupta Empire is called India’s Golden age. Established by Sri Gupta, the Gupta Kingdom encompassed maximum part of India during 320 CE to 550 CE. The reason why the ruling period of Gupta dynasty is called the Golden age is that during this period the Gupta Kings were successful in ensuring peace and tranquillity in the entire region. It resulted into development and inventions in Science and Technology; art and engineering as well as in Mathematics.
Who ruled India in 1000 AD?
Hoysala Dynasty ruled in the current Karnataka region in India from 1000 AD to 1346 AD.
Who ruled India in 1600 AD?
British East India Company started ruling India in 1600 AD. However, simultaneously Mughal Dynasty also continued to rule the country. The formal British Raj was established in India in 1858 after the British successfully quashed the great Sepoy mutiny in 1857.
Who ruled India in 1st century?
Kushan Empire ruled India in the 1st century. Kushan Empire was established by Yuezhi in the Bactrian territories and it spread further to Afghanistan and north India till Varanasi.
Who ruled India in 1400 AD?
Tughluq dynasty ruled India in 1400 AD?
Who ruled India the longest?
The Pandyan Dynasty ruled southern parts of India from 7-8 century BCE to middle of the 17th century which means they ruled approximately 2400 years.
Who ruled India before Lodi dynasty?
Sayyid Dynasty ruled India before Lodi Dynasty.
Who ruled India most?
Ashok ruled over most of the Indian subcontinent.
Who ruled India after mauryas?
Shunga Dynasty ruled India after Mauryas. After assassinating Brihadratha, the last Maurya ruler, Pushyamitra Shunga established Shunga Dynasty in the year 185 BCE.
Who ruled India after Mahabharata?
After Mahabharata war, the Pandavas ruled India for the next 36 years.
Persian princess who ruled India?
Raziya Sultan or Raziya-al-Din was the princess who ruled the Persian speaking Delhi Sultanate. She was the only woman ever crowned as the Sultan of Delhi.
Queens who ruled India?
No queen other than Rajiya Sultan ruled Delhi Sultanate, which was considered the power centre across the country.
Who ruled India starting in the 1800s until 1947?
British annexation through East India Company had started making dominance in India by the years 1700 AD and by 1720 the Mughal Empire was completely reached the stage of collapse. By 1800, the British rule in India started making waves and among the public it was known as British Raj. It is therefore, India was under British rule starting in the 1800s until 1947.
Who ruled south India?
Satavahanas, Cholas, Cheras, Chalukyas, Pallavas, Rashtrakutas, Kakatiyas and Hoysalas were the dynasties who ruled South India during different periods.
Who ruled India after the sepoy rebellion?
British crown rule got established in the year 1858 after Sepoy rebellion was crushed in 1857 by East India Company.
Who ruled Indian villages?
It was during the rule of British Raj; the Indian villages were ruled by District Collectors.
British lords/Viceroys who ruled India?
There were total 12 British Lords/Viceroys who ruled India as Viceroy of the country namely: Lord Clive (1757), Lord Hasting (1772), Lord Ripon (1880), Lord Curzon (1899), Lord Minto II (1905), Lord Harding (1910), Lord Chelmsford (1916), Lord Reading (1921), Lord Irwin (1926), Lord Willington (1931), Lord Wavell (1943), and Lord Mountbatten (1947).
Who ruled India when Christianity emerged in west Asia?
It was around the year 1321 Christianity emerged in west Asia and at this time period Delhi Sultanate was under the rule of Tughlaq Dynasty.
Who ruled India during World War One?
India was under British Rule during World War one broke out in the year 1914.
Kings who ruled whole India?
Samrat Ashok of Maurya Dynasty was the only king who ruled almost the entire India and he later expanded the boundaries of the country to the Greeko-Bacterian Empire, crossing over Afghanistan in the midway.
Who ruled India for 200 years?
British ruled India for 200 years.