EnglishslogansSlogans on Freedom Fighters – Best and Catchy Slogan

Slogans on Freedom Fighters – Best and Catchy Slogan

India gained freedom from British colonial rule in the year 1947. For nearly two centuries the British exercised control over India, initially through the East India company after which began the British government in India with the capital first in Calcutta, now known as Kolkata, and then in Delhi. In an attempt to achieve freedom from foreign rule, our freedom fighters fought selflessly and bravely.

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    Mahatma Gandhi adopted a non-violent freedom struggle; despite the British rulers unleashing violence on the Indians such as was witnessed at the Jallianwala Bagh in 1919. We owe our freedom and independence to the freedom fighters.

    Freedom Fighters Slogan in English

    We have provided below some unique and striking slogans on freedom fighters which you can use according to your need whether to spread awareness regarding freedom fighters and their sacrifices or encourage people towards patriotism.

    Following freedom fighters slogans can be used during the event, campaign celebration, etc in the community, society, schools, colleges or other places.

    You can choose any of the freedom fighters slogans given below as per your need:

    Unique and Catchy Slogans on Freedom Fighters

    Let’s salute the freedom fighters who fought with valour!

    Our freedom fighters fought selflessly; let’s be grateful to them wholeheartedly!

    Our freedom fighters fought so we may enjoy the freedom!

    Our freedom fighters never looked for name and fame; let’s respect the selflessness of our freedom fighters!

    Let’s pay our respect to the freedom fighters; they fought with courage!

    We owe our Independence to the freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters were great nationalists; let’s be nationalists too!

    Our freedom fighters suffered at the hands of colonial rulers; let’s salute our freedom fighters!

    Let’s give our freedom fighters their due honour!

    Let’s honour the memory of the bold freedom fighters!

    Bapu’s slogan ‘Do or die’, raised patriotism up to sky.

    Nehru said ‘who lives if India dies’, these words became whole India’s voice.

    They had immense love for their Nation; we got freedom because of their abdication.

    They have paid for our liberty, so maintaining their legacy should be our priority.

    They took stand, and snatched India from their hand.

    Free India was their gift to us; we should never forget it is very precious.

    Every young, old and kid, must know what our freedom fighters did.

    Our life is now much better, only because of those freedom fighters.

    Freedom fighters happily ended their life, to give us a better nation to survive.

    Our freedom fighters were brave; let’s honour them!

    There would be no freedom for us to enjoy today, had our freedom fighters not fought selflessly!

    Our nation owes it to the freedom fighters!

    The freedom fighters put the country’s interests before their own; let’s honour the freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters were true patriots; let’s be patriots too!

    Our freedom fighters exuded the true nationalistic spirit; let’s honour our freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters were not after self-aggrandisement; let’s pay our respects to our freedom fighters!

    The freedom fighters fought selflessly; let’s be selfless too in the service of the nation!

    Our freedom fighters had a strong patriotic spirit; let’s bow before them in respect!

    Let’s pay our respects to the great freedom fighters of the nation!

    Let’s light a lamp in the memory of our freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters fought valorously; let’s honour our freedom fighters!

    For the freedom fighters Independence of the nation was top priority; let’s salute the freedom fighters!

    Freedom is vital to the nation; let’s be grateful to our freedom fighters!

    The Colonial rulers denied us freedom; our freedom fighters fought for it!

    Our freedom fighters fought for India’s complete independence!

    Without freedom there is no life; let us honour our freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters sacrificed their all; let us pay our respects from heart!

    Independence of the nation was top priority for the freedom fighters; let’s salute the freedom fighters!

    Freedom is a treasure; let’s thank our freedom fighters!

    Our freedom fighters were ready to fight till their last breath; let’s honour them!

    Our freedom fighters were wholeheartedly devoted to the cause of India’s freedom; let’s value the freedom!

    Our freedom fighters gave their life to the nation; let’s we too do our bit for our country!

    Freedom is invaluable; let’s value our freedom fighters!

    Let’s give our freedom fighters their due value!

    Without freedom there is no progress of the nation; let’s thank our freedom fighters!

    Let’s honour the freedom fighters for making India a free nation!

    Come let’s pay tribute to the brave freedom fighters!

    Let’s honour the valiant freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the nation!

    We owe our freedom to the valorous efforts of the freedom fighters!

    The freedom fighters fought day and night for the nation’s freedom; let’s salute the brave freedom fighters!

    The freedom fighters were bold to fight the Colonial rulers; let’s honour the freedom fighters!

    The freedom fighters gave their life for the nation; let us too serve the nation selflessly!

    Come let’s pay tribute to the gallant freedom fighters who gave freedom to the nation!

    Come let’s salute our bold and brave freedom fighters!

    Let’s honour the great freedom fighters who laid down their lives for the nation!

    The bold and brave freedom fighters were ready to perish for the nation; let’s honour the great patriots!

    Let us pay tribute in silence to the valorous freedom fighters who were martyred!

    The gallant freedom fighters were ready to be martyred for the nation!

    The freedom fighters gave their all for the lofty ideal of freedom; let’s honour the great patriots!

    Let’s join in honouring our freedom fighters!

    Let’s join our compatriots in paying respect to the freedom fighters who fought for India’s freedom!

    The freedom fighters were committed to their motherland; let’s emulate that sentiment!

    The freedom fighters fought day and night; let’s serve our motherland likewise!

    The freedom fighters were brave; let’s honour them duly!

    Let’s come together to pay tribute to the brave freedom fighters!

    Freedom fighters are the Indian freedom struggle’s script writers.

    Every freedom fighter living or dead; must be treated with honour and respect.

    They had sacrificed a lot to make us free and deeply rooted as an old banyan tree.

    Those people had put freedom before self and presented us a free land to dwell.

    The fruits of freedom that we enjoy today were sown by our freedom fighters.

    Someone who holds on to nationalism tighter is called a freedom fighter.

    Many have courage; though, it shines brighter in a freedom fighter.

    To make us free they went through sacrifices of a high degree.

    They showed the way to the nation when it was reeling under subjugation.

    Living freedom fighters are living legends; their honour must never be lessened.

    ———-Written by N. Kalyani

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