Englishswachh-bharat-abhiyanRole of the Government in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Role of the Government in Swachh Bharat Abhiyan

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was launched by the government of India in order to make India clean and disease-free. Since it was planned by the central government, it needed to be well-executed. The government tried its best to make the mission reach every individual of the nation, whether living in rural or urban areas.

Under the mission, the first thing that the government did was to make people pledge for the cleanliness. The pledge was for everyone, and we could have it digitally as well. The pledge was to stay clean, healthy, and keep our surroundings clean. Apart from it, the government also organized various campaigns to raise awareness among the people of different communities.

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    Our Prime Minister led many cleanliness drives in the different people to make people think about cleaning their nearby places. The impact of this drive was that many people come forward to clean their colonies and other public places like parks, Ghats, etc. in groups.

    As a part of the campaign, the government provided monetary supports to the poor families to construct a toilet. It was to make India open defecation free. Many celebrities also came forward to contribute to these cleanliness campaigns and motivate their fans to do so. Though every citizen of the nation participated in making the mission successful, the role of the government was most important.

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