Study MaterialsNCERT Exemplar SolutionsClass 12ChemistryNCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 – Chemical Kinetics

NCERT Exemplar Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 – Chemical Kinetics

Subject specialists have created NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics, which includes thorough solutions for reference. All of the questions from the textbook’s exercises are answered here. Students can use these answers to help them prepare for their exams. The NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 provide useful solutions for improving conceptual knowledge.

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    The solutions are carefully solved using student-friendly terms while still adhering to the norms that must be followed when solving NCERT Exemplar for Class 12. Practicing these answers can be incredibly advantageous not only in terms of exams but also in terms of helping Class 12 pupils perform well in upcoming competitive exams.

    The approaches for answering have been given special consideration to stay on target while not deviating from the intended answer. Because time is so important in exams, excellent time management when answering questions is essential for getting the best results.

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      The rate of chemical reaction, temperature influence on the rate of reaction, the Arrhenius equation, and the collision theory of chemical reaction will all be understood by students. The purpose of this chapter is to help students learn the lesson in a fun and easy way. Subject specialists produced the Class 12 NCERT Exemplar for Chemistry Chapter 4 based on the most recent term – II CBSE Syllabus (2021-22). Students must consistently practise the solutions in order to adequately prepare for their second-term exams.

      Class 12 NCERT Exemplar for Chemical Kinetics

      Chemical Kinetics is a chemical subdiscipline. It is concerned with the pace of a chemical reaction, as well as the elements that influence it and the mechanism of the reaction. There are three sorts of reactions based on the rate of reaction: instantaneous, sluggish, and moderately slow. A rapid reaction is any chemical reaction that takes less than 1ps to complete. A slow reaction is any chemical reaction that lasts from a few minutes to several years. Moderately slow reactions are intermediate chemical reactions that occur between fast and slow chemical reactions. Chemical Kinetics was covered briefly in this article. Make use of the NCERT Exemplar to get well-versed in these subjects.

      Chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics of Class 12 Chemistry is categorized under the term – II CBSE Syllabus for 2021-22.

      The topics and subtopics covered in Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 4 – Chemical Kinetics are listed below:

      1. The rate of a Chemical Reaction
      2. Factors Influencing the Rate of a Reaction
        1. Dependence of Rate on Concentration
        2. Rate Expression and Rate Constant
        3. Order of a Reaction
        4. Molecularity of a Reaction
      3. Integrated Rate Equations
        1. Zero Order Reactions
        2. First-Order Reactions
        3. Half-Life of a Reaction
      4. Pseudo First Order Reaction
      5. Temperature Dependence of the Rate of a Reaction
        1. Effect of Catalyst Ex 4.6 – Collision Theory of Chemical Reactions

      Chemical kinetics Class 12 NCERT is the foundation for a lot of the ideas you’ll learn in the future. Students should use the NCERT Exemplar to gain a complete grasp of this chapter and solve several chemical kinetics numerical problems to become familiar with the concepts, standard values, and equations.

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      Frequently Asked Questions

      Q. What are the topics covered in Chapter 4 of NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry?

      Ans: The topics that are covered in Chapter 4 of NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry are as follows –

      1. The rate of a Chemical Reaction
      2. Factors Influencing the Rate of a Reaction
      3. Integrated Rate Equations
      4. Pseudo First Order Reaction
      5. Temperature Dependence of the Rate of a Reaction

      Q. How can I score good marks in Chapter 4 of NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry?

      Ans: Students might do well in the Class 12 term – II exams if they keep a decent study schedule with time given for each chapter. The answers include a variety of chemical equations that can be utilized to help pupils improve their problem-solving abilities. Theoretical concepts must be learned first, followed by the numerical application of formulas. Among the multiple online study tools accessible on various sites, the NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry offered on our website is the greatest study resource.

      Q. Explain the concept of Chemical Kinetics covered in Chapter 4 of NCERT Exemplar for Class 12 Chemistry.

      Ans: Chemical Kinetics is a discipline of chemistry concerned with the rate of chemical reactions, their mechanisms, and the factors that influence them. They are classified into three varieties based on the rate of reaction: slow reaction, instantaneous reaction, and moderately slow reaction. A quick reaction is one that takes less than one picosecond to complete. A slow reaction is one that lasts from a few minutes to several years. Moderately slow reactions are chemical processes that occur between fast and slow reactions.

      Q. Why Opt for Infinity Learn?

      Ans: In this chapter Infinity Learn provides videos, notes, NCERT text book solutions, other practice book solutions and assignments that help you learn the concepts and to memorise the concepts for entrance exams and board exams. Most important, Infinity learn provide instant doubt support by subject experts.


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