Subject specialists have created NCERT Solutions for Physics Class 11 Chapter 12 which includes thorough solutions for reference. These solutions are updated according to the latest term – II CBSE syllabus for 2012-22 and are provided in easy language for understanding. Tips and tricks are also provided.
These solutions are provided so a student can clear his doubts and get help with a deep understanding of the concept. Also, you can refer them to make the chapter notes and revisions notes. You can also download PDF from the link
Thermodynamics may be a hot topic for the experts who prepare question papers. so as to induce more marks in class 11 Physics, it’s crucial to review these solutions as one can expect many questions from this resource being asked often in entrance exams and other competitive exams. Thermodynamics is one of the foremost scoring sections in NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics. Students must study this Chapter in detail to score well in term – II exam. Some key points of Thermodynamics are.
- Equilibrium in thermodynamics refers to the situation when macroscopic variables describing the thermodynamic state of a system don’t depend upon time. Equilibrium of a system in mechanics refers to the net external force and torque on the system is zero. The temperature of a body is related to its average internal energy, not to the K.E. of motion of its centre of mass. A bullet fired from a gun isn’t at a higher temperature due to its high speed.
- Heat capacity, generally, depends on the method of the system that goes through when the heat is supplied.
- In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the microscopic constituents of a system aren’t in equilibrium.
- In isothermal quasi-static processes, heat is absorbed or given out by the system even though at every stage the gas has an equivalent temperature as that of the surrounding reservoir. this is often possible due to the infinitesimal difference in temperature between the system and the reservoir.
Subtopics of Class 11 Physics Chapter 12 Thermodynamics
- Introduction
- Thermal equilibrium
- Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
- Heat, internal energy, and work
- First law of thermodynamics
- Specific heat capacity
- Thermodynamic state variables and the equation of state
- Thermodynamic processes
- Heat engines
- Refrigerators and heat pumps
- The second law of thermodynamics
- Reversible and irreversible processes
- Carnot Engine
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Infinite Learn’s mission is to create world-class learning content for students. We are focused on raising the students learning abilities. These Solutions have been structured very carefully to give several benefits to the students that utilize these study materials. That is why these are crafted by subject matter experts to focus on the concept and its explanation.
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Frequently Asked Questions on NCERT Solutions of this Chapter
- How using the NCERT Solutions of this Chapter will help you with your term – II exam preparation?
- What will I learn from this Chapter of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics?
- What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium according to these NCERT Solutions?
Q. How using the NCERT Solutions of this Chapter will help you with your term – II exam preparation?
Ans. Using the NCERT Solutions of this chapter will help students to save time and understand all topics in detail. The solutions are made with the utmost care by the experts at Infinite Learn according to the latest term – II CBSE Syllabus. Students can use these solutions while answering the textbook questions in order to get a clear view about the concepts which are important for the second term exams.
Q. What will I learn from this Chapter of NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics?
Ans. Thermodynamics and its applications are listed below:
1. Introduction
2. Thermal equilibrium
3. Zeroth law of Thermodynamics
4. Heat, internal energy, and work
5. First law of thermodynamics
6. Specific heat capacity
7. Thermodynamic state variables and the equation of state
8. Thermodynamic processes
9. Heat engines
10. Refrigerators and heat pumps
11. The second law of thermodynamics
12. Reversible and irreversible processes
13. Carnot Engine
Q. What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium according to these NCERT Solutions?
Ans. According to NCERT Solutions of this Chapter, when an object or a body is brought in contact with another body with different temperatures, then the heat gets transferred from high temperature to low temperature until both the bodies came into thermal equilibrium. For example, when a hot cup of tea is kept at room temperature, then the heat gets transferred to the atmosphere with respect to time until the temperature of tea and atmosphere is equivalent.