Chapter 4 – In the Earliest Cities – NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science – Free PDF Download
INFINITY LEARN has a lot of materials to help you study for the NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 4 exams. These were created with the NCERT framework in mind. INFINITY LEARN provides you with all of the resources that have been meticulously developed by topic experts and will not only assist you in passing your exams but will also expand your understanding of the subject. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities History are available as a free PDF download. Science, Maths, English, and Hindi would be easier to study if you have access to NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science, Maths, and other subjects.
You can also get NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Maths to help you revise the entire syllabus and improve your exam scores.
1. How do archaeologists know that cloth was used in the Harappan civilization?
A. Discovery of clay spindles indicates that the cloth was used in the Harappan civilization. The Discovery of buttons and needles at archaeological sites makes it sure that the clothes were used by Harappans.
2. Match the columns
Copper Gujarat
Gold Afghanistan
Tin Rajasthan
Precious stones Karnataka
Copper | Rajasthan |
Gold | Karnataka |
Tin | Afghanistan |
Precious stones | Gujarat, Afghanistan |
3. Why were metals, writing, the wheel, and the plough important for the Harappans?
A. Metals, writing, the wheel, and the plough were important to the Harappans because they had pioneered the use of these.
i. Metals were used for making tools and ornaments.
ii. Writing was pictographic and they used these signs to convey their ideas or messages.
iii. Wheels were used for making carts and to make the pots.
iv. Plough was mainly used for digging the earth, turning the soil, and planting the seeds.
4. Make a list of all the terracotta toys shown in the lesson. Which do you think children would have enjoyed playing with the most?
A. i) Toy Plough
ii) Toy Cart
iii) Many Terracota toys in the shape of different animals.
5. Make a list of what the Harappans ate, and put a tick mark against the things you eat today.
A. Harappans ate the following food items such as “wheat, barley, pulses, peas, rice, sesamum, linseed, and mustard”. All these food items are used even today.
6. Do you think that the life of farmers and herders who supplied food to the Harappan cities was different from that of the farmers and herders you read about in Chapter 3? Give reasons for your answer.
A. Yes, the life of the farmers and herders who supplied food to the Harappan cities was different because
i. Farmers of Harappan cities stored their food in granaries.
ii. To increase their production they developed the method of irrigation and their instruments.
iii. They domesticated many animals like dogs, ox, goats, and sheep, while, the farmers of earlier periods domesticated only dogs.
iv. The Harappan farmers lived in the outer areas of the city. They lived in villages and produced many food items for the people living in cities.

NCERT Solution for History Chapter 4 in Class 6
The Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilizations, as well as their location and advancements in comparison to other ancient civilizations, are discussed in NCERT Class 6 History Chapter 4 In the Earliest Cities. The Harappa and Mohenjodaro civilizations are described in this chapter. It illustrates how Harappa’s dwellings, sewers, and streets were designed. It also explains how people in the city use new crafts, materials, and foods. The Harappans of Gujarat are also discussed in this chapter, as well as how Harappan civilization mysteriously ended.
NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History with the Most Up-to-Date Syllabus For revising and preparing for the examination, our Past NCERT Solution for Class 6 Social Science gives students the most helpful and straightforward solutions to every practice issue. It covers all of the most recent chapters and provides answers to all of the exam questions. The solutions are created by expert teachers and specialists in order to deliver the most accurate and appropriate answers that are readily understood by all students.
The CBSE created a thorough syllabus for pupils to study historical civilizations and cultures. Students can compare them to current events to see how far humanity has progressed during these periods. Class 6 History Our Past has a new syllabus that includes twelve chapters.
The chapters of the newest Class 6 Social Science Our Past are mentioned below:
Chapter 1 – What, Where, How, and When?
Chapter 2 – On the Trail of the Earliest People.
Chapter 3 – From Gathering to Growing Food.
Chapter 4 – In the Earliest Cities.
Chapter 5 – What Books and Burials Tell Us.
Chapter 6 – Kingdoms, Kings, and the Early Republic.
Chapter 7 – New Questions and Ideas.
Chapter 8 – Ashoka, The Emperor Who Gave Us War.
Chapter 9 – Vital Villages, Thriving Towns.
Chapter 10 – Traders, Kings, and Pilgrims.
Chapter 11 – New Empires and kingdoms.
Chapter 12 – Buildings, Paintings, and Books.
NCERT textbooks have proven to be one of the most useful for students because they include questions at all levels. As a result, answering these questions will assist students in efficiently reviewing the entire text. After you’ve found a solution for the exercise, look for an INFINITY LEARN’s Solution for self-examination and analyze how your understanding of the chapter has changed.
INFINITY LEARN is the place to go for NCERT solutions.
History is a story about past events, incidents, and developments. History is a very useful subject to learn in school. Understanding the relevance of evidence in determining the facts and making judgments is aided by studying various historical perspectives. The CBSE recognizes the importance of the subject and has implemented the History curriculum. Our previous textbook is included in the syllabus to demonstrate.
NCERT created the curriculum in a creative way so that the books and resources could help students understand concepts and apply theories in their exams, as well as in real life.
INFINITY LEARN’s NCERT Solutions equip students with a solid foundation that aids in test preparation. We provide detailed answers to NCERT problems so that students can effectively prepare all of the ideas taught in their classroom syllabus.
We also give students a full synopsis, essential questions, and illustrated examples that cover all of the needed textbook subjects. INFINITY LEARN is popular among students looking for answers to queries in NCERT textbooks. These NCERT textbook solutions are the result of intensive research, making them one of the best online options. It gives a step-by-step explanation for all of the questions in the textbooks. NCERT Solutions can also be used as a resource for kids doing homework at home and studying for boards and competitive exams.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will the NCERT Solutions for History Class 6 help me prepare for my exams?
- What Should I Do If I Have Questions or Need Help While Preparing?
- Why should I choose NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 4 over other sources?
- What are the themes covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History, Chapter 4?
- Where can we find early Indian subcontinent cities? What unusual artifacts have archaeologists discovered in these cities?
- Describe the primary elements of Mohenjo-Daro’s Great Bath.
- What factors contributed to the Harappan culture’s demise?
1. Will the NCERT Solutions for History Class 6 help me prepare for my exams?
NCERT Solutions is extremely important in a student’s life because it covers all parts of the CBSE curriculum. The explanations of the issues in the textbooks are included in these solutions. As a result, focusing on these solutions aids in the development of a solid foundation for students. Even if the questions seem a little twisted, you can easily answer them once you have a good foundation. NCERT History Class 6 Solutions are written in such a way that you will develop an interest in the topic.
2. What Should I Do If I Have Questions or Need Help While Preparing?
You are most welcome to join INFINITY LEARN’s live classrooms, where you can interact with experienced professors on a wide range of topics. To succeed in your tests, you can quickly overcome your doubts and follow their guidance. INFINITY LEARN’s online teaching platform allows teachers and students to engage in live learning interactions in which the teacher can deliver tailored instruction using audio-video aids and whiteboards. Teachers and students can see, hear, write, and communicate with one another in real-time.
3. Why should I choose NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History Chapter 4 over other sources?
NCERT Solutions for Chapter 4 of Class 6 History are available on INFINITY LEARN, and they bring numerous advantages to students. It assists them in properly preparing for their tests. Experts have framed all of these solutions. Every topic has been thoroughly explained to enable pupils to grasp the material and achieve high grades. All of the solutions are provided in accordance with the CBSE’s most recent syllabus. These responses also assist students in laying a solid foundation for a variety of competitive tests. The solutions are completely free. They can also be found on the INFINITY LEARN Mobile app.
4. What are the themes covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History, Chapter 4?
In Chapter 4 of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 History, the following subjects were discussed:
Harappa’s history, including its dwellings, sewers, and streets, has been discussed. Students will also learn about the lives of people in Harappa.
Aside from it, food for city dwellers and the quest for raw resources were also highlighted. Students will learn more about Harappan towns in Gujarat, and the chapter will conclude with the mystery of the end, i.e., Harappa’s fall.
Students may obtain the full set of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Social Science on the INFINITY LEARN website or app.
5. Where can we find early Indian subcontinent cities? What unusual artifacts have archaeologists discovered in these cities?
Archaeologists have discovered the early towns of the Indian subcontinent in modern-day Pakistan and India. Rajasthan, Gujarat, Haryana, Western Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab are among the states in India where early cities may be discovered. Archaeologists have also discovered a variety of distinctive artifacts in practically all of these towns, including red pottery with black motifs, rare beads, seals with writing, stone weights, long stone blades, and copper tools.
6. Describe the primary elements of Mohenjo-Daro’s Great Bath.
The following are the primary characteristics:
- In Mohenjodaro, researchers discovered a unique public water tank known as the Great Bath.
- In the Citadel Area, the Great Bath was constructed.
- It was constructed of bricks and plastered. It was also made watertight with a covering of natural tar.
- There were rooms on all four sides of the Great Bath, as well as steps extending down from the two sides.
- The Great Bath was filled with water that was most likely brought in from a well and then emptied after usage. Only significant people on exceptional occasions are likely to have taken a dip in this tank.
7. What factors contributed to the Harappan culture’s demise?
The following factors could have contributed to the Harappan culture’s demise:
- Some researchers believe it came to an end because the rivers dried up.
- Others speculate that deforestation occurred as a result of the need for fuel to melt copper ores and bake bricks. Aside from that, excessive grazing by big herds of cattle, sheep, and goats may have degraded green pastures.
- Several speculated that floods had occurred in some locations.
- Perhaps the rulers have lost control.
- None of the aforementioned explanations can explain the precise reason for the abolition of all cities. No one is the same when it comes to the end of Harappan civilization.