Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 8 EnglishNCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Children at Work

NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English It So Happened Children at Work

Subject specialists have designed NCERT solutions for English Class 8 Chapter 2 which includes thorough solutions for reference. These solutions are updated according to the latest CBSE syllabus for 2024-25 and are provided in easy language for understanding. Tips and tricks are also provided.

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      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 – Question and Answer

      Comprehension Check- I

      1. Velustood on the platform but he felt “as if he was still on a moving train.” Why?

      Ans. Veluwas miserable, exhausted and very hungry. He was also in great fear of what lay ahead. So, his legs were unsteady as if he was still on a moving train.

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      The Class 8 HOTS Course enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills through engaging activities and advanced learning techniques, ensuring academic excellence.

      2. What made him feel miserable?

      Ans. Veluwas very tired and hungry. When he saw many people together on the platform he got confused and scared. He did not know what to do and that thought made him feel miserable.

      3.i)Velu travelled without a ticket. Why?

      Ans. Velutravelled without a ticket because he had no money to buy a ticket.

      ii)How did he escape the ticket collector’s attention?

      Ans. Velusat in the unreserved compartment. The ticket collector did not go to that compartment. So he escaped from the ticket collector’s attention.

      4. Why didVelurun away from home?

      Ans. Veluran away from home because of his father. He and his sister used to earn some money by working on the farms. But his father snatched all the money and spent it on drinking. He also beat him veryseverly. Unable to stand his father’s beatings anymore, Velu ran away from home.

      5. Why did he decide to follow the ‘strange’ girl?

      Ans. The place was new toVelu. He did not have any ideaof where to go and what to do. When the girl promised him some food, he followed her.

      Comprehension Check- II

      1. CanVeluread Tamil and English? How do you know?

      Ans. Veluwas able to read Tamil. He read what was written in Tamil on the central jail. He could not read English. However he managed to read the sign boards in English.

      2. “If you are not careful, you will soon be counting bars there.” the girl said.

      i)What is she referring to?

      The girl is referring to the Central Jail.

      ii)What does she mean when she says“ ifyou are not careful…”?

      She means they need not do anything wrong to get caught. Even innocent people can be arrested by thepolice .So the important thing is “Just don’t get caught.”

      3. Where did the girl lead Veluto? What did they get to eat?

      Ans. The girl ledVelunear to a marriage hall. They got some leftover food out of the garbage.

      4. What work did she do? Write a one word answer.

      Ans. Rag picking.

      Comprehension Check – III

      1. What material are the strange huts made out of? Why doesVelu find them strange?

      Ans. The strange huts were made out of metal sheets,tyres, bricks, wood and plastic.

      Velu found them strange because he had never seen such huts. In his village huts were made out of mud and palm leaves.

      2. What sort of things did Jaya and children like her collect? What did they do with those things?

      Ans. Jaya and children like her collected used papers, plastic covers, glasses and bottles and other such things. They sold these things toJagguat Jam Bazaar. Later Jaggu sold these things to a recycling factory.

      3. Is Veluhappy or unhappy to find work? Give a reason for your answer.

      Ans. Veluwas not happy with the ‘Rag-picking’ work. He had to accept it because he had no choice. So,Velu scratched his head before accepting the work.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 – It So Happened

      It So Happened is a famous book to be studied for the CBSE 8th standard students. If students are looking to study NCERT solutions of this chapter online, they can easily do so from the Infinite learn App. The PDF download option of these NCERT solutions is provided on the infinite learn App.

      Key Features of NCERT Solutions for chapter 2 class 8

      1. NCERT Solutions helps in providing fully resolved step by step solutions to all textbook questions.
      2. Set of solutions which comes with a list of all important formulas on algebraic identities.
      3. These solutions are made accordance to the latest syllabus.
      4. Solutions are prepared by subject matter experts.
      5. NCERT Solutions provides help for the preparation of competitive exams.

      About Infinite Learn Solutions

      Infinite Learn mission is to create world-class learning content for students. We are focussed on raising the students learning abilities. These Solutions have been structured very carefully to give several benefits to the students that utilize these study materials. That is why, these are crafted by subject matter experts to focus on concept and its explanation.

      For any type of support related to the NCERT Solutions for Class 8 given here, students can approach our support team who will help clear all their doubts. Students can also check out Infinite Learn for a more efficient learning experience.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 2 – Children at Work (It So Happened)

      Question 1: Explain the main theme of the story “Children at Work” and how it highlights the plight of child labor.


      The story “Children at Work” from the NCERT Class 8 English textbook “It So Happened” focuses on the life of a young boy named Velu who runs away from his village due to the hardships he faces. The main theme of the story is child labor and the challenges that come with it.

      Velu, the protagonist, arrives in the city with hopes of finding a better life but is soon confronted with the harsh reality of urban poverty. He meets a girl named Jaya who introduces him to the world of rag-picking. Through their journey, the story sheds light on the grim conditions under which many children in cities live and work.

      The story emphasizes how children like Velu are forced into labor due to circumstances beyond their control, such as poverty and lack of education. It shows how they are deprived of a normal childhood and are exposed to exploitation and abuse. The narrative compels readers to think about the social and economic factors that contribute to child labor and the urgent need for intervention to protect children’s rights.

      The plight of Velu and Jaya also highlights the indifference of society towards these children. While they struggle to make a living, the world around them goes on without acknowledging their existence and hardships. This story serves as a poignant reminder of the need for empathy and action to address the issue of child labor.

      Question 2: Discuss the character of Velu in “Children at Work.” How does his journey in the city reflect the struggles faced by many children in similar situations?


      Velu, the protagonist of “Children at Work,” is a young boy who runs away from his village to escape the abuse and misery he experiences at home. His character is a representation of many children who are forced into similar circumstances due to socio-economic factors.

      Upon arriving in the city, Velu is both hopeful and apprehensive. His journey begins at the railway station, where he meets Jaya, a street-smart girl who introduces him to the life of a rag-picker. Through Velu’s eyes, the readers witness the stark contrast between his naive expectations and the harsh realities of urban life.

      Velu’s initial confusion and vulnerability highlight his innocence and the sudden burden of survival thrust upon him. His reluctance to accept his new reality and his gradual adaptation to it depict the internal struggle he faces. Velu’s character development throughout the story reflects the resilience and resourcefulness that many children in similar situations must muster to survive.

      The story does not just focus on Velu’s physical journey but also his emotional and psychological journey. He grapples with the loss of his childhood and the daunting responsibility of fending for himself. His experiences in the city, including dealing with hunger, finding a place to sleep, and understanding the dynamics of street life, mirror the struggles faced by countless children who live and work in urban slums.

      Velu’s story is a microcosm of the larger issue of child labor and urban poverty. It sheds light on the systemic issues that force children into labor and the societal neglect that perpetuates their plight. Through Velu, the narrative invokes a sense of urgency to address these issues and provide better opportunities for children to break free from the cycle of poverty and exploitation.

      Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 2 summary

      This chapter talks about children who work instead of going to school. It tells the stories of two boys, Saheb and Mukesh, who work to support their families. They face many challenges and dangers at work.

      The chapter explains why children work, such as because they are poor or don’t have access to education. It says that we need to make laws to protect children and make sure they can go to school.

      The NCERT Solutions for this chapter help students understand the problems faced by child laborers and what we can do to help them.

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      The Class 8 CBSE Foundation Course is designed to be the most competitive educational program in India, providing an exceptional online learning experience. Our focused batch encompasses all crucial subjects, ensuring comprehensive preparation for students.

      Class 8 English Chapter 2 Children at Work FAQs

      What is the main theme of the chapter 'Children at Work'?

      The chapter explores the harsh realities faced by child laborers, highlighting their struggles, dreams, and the importance of education.

      Why do children work instead of going to school?

      Many children work due to poverty, family obligations, or lack of access to education. They contribute to their family's income to survive.

      What impact does child labor have on children's lives?

      Child labor can lead to physical and emotional harm, hinder education, and limit future opportunities, perpetuating the cycle of poverty.

      How does the chapter portray the dreams of working children?

      The chapter emphasizes that despite their difficult circumstances, many children have dreams and aspirations for a better future.

      What can be done to help eliminate child labor?

      Raising awareness, ensuring access to education, and enforcing laws against child labor are crucial steps to help eliminate this issue.

      Are there any specific examples of child laborers in the chapter?

      Yes, the chapter includes stories of various children engaged in different types of work, showcasing their unique challenges and aspirations.

      What role does society play in addressing child labor?

      Society must advocate for children's rights, support education initiatives, and provide resources to families to reduce the reliance on child labor.

      What are some common types of work that children do?

      Children often work in agriculture, factories, domestic help, and street vending, facing various hazards in these jobs.

      How does child labor affect a child's education?

      Child labor often prevents children from attending school, leading to a lack of education and fewer opportunities for advancement.

      What are the long-term consequences of child labor?

      The long-term consequences include ongoing poverty, lack of job skills, and limited economic growth for entire communities.

      How can individuals help in the fight against child labor?

      Individuals can help by supporting organizations that advocate for children's rights and by making informed choices as consumers.


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