Table of Contents
Law is a set of rules and regulations that are made by the government to maintain peace and order in the society. The law is also made to protect the rights of the citizens. It is enforced by the police and the courts. The law is made by the legislature and interpreted by the judiciary. The law is also made to promote social justice. Social justice is the fair and just treatment of all people.
The NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 – Law and Social Justice talks about the law and social justice in the country. Students can use these NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 – Law and Social Justice to prepare for their board exams. The practice in the last chapter comprises a total of 11 questions. The answers to 8 questions are provided in NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice. The remaining two questions are for students to go deeper into the issue.
NCERT Solutions offers all of the answers to the questions, making it easy for students to find the answers. The answers in the Solution PDF will help them become more comfortable with writing solutions. Furthermore, it will aid pupils in gaining a better knowledge of the subject. NCERT solutions are simple to comprehend and reliable.
NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social, Justice
Ques 1. Talk to two workers (For example, construction workers, farm workers, factory workers, workers at any shop) to find out if they are receiving the minimum wages laid down by law.
Ans. These workers are not receiving the minimum wages.
- Construction workers: They do not receive the minimum wages.
- Farm workers : They do not receive the minimum wag
- Factory workers: They receive minimum wages
- Workers at the shop: They get minimum wages.
Ques 2. What are the advantages to foreign companies in setting up production in India?
Ans. The main advantages to the foreign companies in setting up production in India are:
- Availability of cheap and wide space.
- Cheap labour, low wages
- Cheap quality raw material.
- Government incentives.
Ques 3. Do you think the victims of the Bhopal gas tragedy got justice? Discuss.
Ans. No, the victims are still not rehabilitated. the people are still fighting for justice: for safe drinking water, for health care facilities.
i) As still civil and criminal cases are pending in pending in Madhya Pradesh Court .
ii) After 25 years of struggle the judgement was given in June 2010 with a simple punishment of $ 2,000 dollars and two years of simple imprisonment.
iii) The people are still waiting for the justice to the victims.
Ques 4. What do we mean when we speak of law enforcement? Who is responsible for enforcement? Why is enforcement so important?
Ans. i) When we speak of law enforcement, we mean that the provisions of law must be applicable to all the people without any discrimination in letter and spirit.
ii) The status of men and women their caste, creed, religion, must not come in the way of law and enforcement.
iii) Law enforcement means that the provisions of the law must be implemented.
iv) The government is responsible for this. It must see that the law that it has made is applicable to all, without any discriminations.
v) Enforcement of law is important because in case any law is not enforced or weakly enforced, there may occur serious disaster. We must not forget the horrible consequences of the Bhopal gas tragedy.
vi) It took place only because the safety laws lag in the country and even these weak safety laws were not enforced.
Ques 5. How can laws ensure that markets work in a manner that is fair? Give two examples to support your answer.
Ans. Law can ensure that markets work in a manner that is fair by ensuring the enforcement of law .
Ex – Anti Child Labour Act must be enforced, not a single child must be allowed to work in shops, tea stalls and restaurants etc.
The government should control the activities of individuals or private companies.
Law against hoarding and black marketing must be enforced in such a way that stringent punishment be given to the violators of the law and the hoarded goods must be forfeited.
Ques 6. Imagine yourself to be a worker working in a chemical factory, which has received orders from the government to move to a different site 100 kms away from the present location. Write about how your life would change? Read out your responses in the classroom.
Ans. My life would drastically change with the change of factory site.
i) Problem in searching a house and it may/may not suit to the income.
ii) Problem may arise for the children’s education. If good school is not located in that area they have to be sent to the far off places.
iii) It may be away from the cities, lack the facilities which will be in a developed area.
iv) Family expenditures may hike which will affect the budget of the family.
Ques 7. Write a paragraph on the various roles of the government that you have read about in this unit.
Ans. The government is liable to the welfare of its people.
i) It ensures that public facilities like water, electricity, public transport, sanitation etc are made available to everyone.
ii) It makes laws to protect the interest of workers.
iii) The Minimum Wages Act specifies that wages should not be below a specified wage.
iv) The government enforces the law so that employers may not exploit their workers by paying the low wages.
v) Through making, enforcing and upholding such laws the government tries to control the activities of individuals or private companies , contractors so as to ensure social justice.
Ques 8. What are the sources of environmental pollution in your area? Discuss with respect to
(a) air; (b) water and (c) soil. What are the steps being taken to reduce the pollution?
Can you suggest some other measures?
Ans. The sources of environmental pollution in our area are:
- Air: transport and factories emitting more hazardous gases.
- Water: disposal of factories waste in rivers, lakes, immersion of idols, throwing the garbage, disposing the dead creatures, disposal of medical wastes etc.
- Soil: it is getting polluted by spraying the hazardous chemicals and pesticides, dumping of the industrial chemical waste into the soil, by throwing the polythene bags which is not mixing up into the soil.
Steps taken to control the pollution:
- Old vehicles should be banned. pollution norms should be checked strictly.
- Industries or factories should be shifted from the town area limits.
- Immersion of idols, disposal of wastes in rivers should be avoided.
- Avoid the polythene bags and shift to bio degradable bags.
- Plantation of plants in industries, open areas etc can control the air pollution.
Ques 9. How was environment treated earlier? What has been the change in perception? Discuss.
Ans. i) Environment was treated as free entity. Industrialists have polluted the air, water, soil without caring for the health of people.
ii) The government has issued the industrial license to establish the dangerous chemical industries which has polluted the environment. Ex – The Bhopal gas tragedy.
iii) The Bhopal gas tragedy brought change in perception. The Indian Government introduced the new laws on the environment.
iv) Now the people have realised that environment is something that people over generations will share, and it could not be destroyed merely for industrial development.
v) With industrialisation we are facing the problem of Global warming and drastic changes are taking place in the environment and many spices got extinct.
vi) Many countries have realised this problem and UN Convention on biological diversity states a call to take social responsibility to save mother Earth.
vii) The 11th Bio-diversity conference was held in Hyderabad city to save the environment, 170 countries with the delegates of 5000 members have attended the conference.
Ques 10. What do you think the famous cartoonist R.K. Laxman is trying to convey in this cartoon? How does it relate to the 2016 law that you read about on page 123?
Ans. i) Law against the child labour.
ii) It relates to the 2006 law which bans the child labour in any form like domestic works, employed in tea stalls, shops, hotels and restaurants etc.

Class 8 HOTS Course
The Class 8 HOTS Course enhances critical thinking and problem-solving skills through engaging activities and advanced learning techniques, ensuring academic excellence.
Ques 11. You have read about the Bhopal gas tragedy and the on-going struggle. Students from countries across the world have come together to support this struggle for justice. From protest marches to awareness campaigns, you can read about their activities on the website The website also has resources such as photos, posters, documentaries, victims’ statements, etc.
Use this and other sources to make a wallpaper/exhibition on the Bhopal gas tragedy for your classroom. Invite the whole school to see and talk about it.
Chapter 10 – Law And Social Justice Summary
To protect people from exploitation, the government enacts legislation and works to guarantee that unfair market practises are minimised. Making legislation alone, however, is insufficient. It must also be enforced. The government is responsible for ensuring that these laws are followed. When the law strives to protect the weak from the powerful, enforcement becomes even more crucial.
The government can control the behaviour of individuals or private companies by enacting, implementing, and upholding these laws in order to ensure social fairness. Many of these regulations, however, are based on fundamental rights given by the Indian Constitution, such as the Right Against Exploitation, which declares that no one can be forced to labour for poor wages or be held in servitude. Similarly, the constitution states that “no youngster under the age of fourteen years” shall be employed.
You’ll learn about the following topics:
- In practise, how do laws work?
- To what extent do laws address people’s concerns about social justice?
- The Bhopal Gas Disaster
- How much are employees worth?
- Safety Laws are Enforced
- New law for the protection of environment.
‘Resources and Development’ is a crucial text for Social Science students in Class 8. Apart from this chapter, the complete set of NCERT Social Science Solutions for Class 8 is available here. Students are encouraged to practice the NCERT Solutions to gain a better knowledge of the subjects, which will help them do well in their exams.
Visit IL website for more study resource.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How many questions are there in Chapter 10 of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics?
The practise in the last chapter comprises a total of 11 questions. The answers to 8 questions are provided in NCERT Solutions Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 Law and Social Justice. The remaining two questions are for students to go deeper into the issue.
Is there a charge for getting NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 from INFINITY learn'S?
No, the INFINITY learns NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10 are absolutely free. Experts in the field have created the solutions in accordance with CBSE criteria to assist students in fully comprehending the chapter's subjects. The principles are described in easy language to help pupils gain confidence. These answers are a big time saver for students who are looking for the correct answer to any question in the textbook.
What are the subjects covered in NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 10?
he following are the topics covered in Chapter 10 of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics. In practise, how do laws work? To what extent do laws address people's concerns about social justice? The Bhopal Gas Disaster How much are employees worth Safety Laws are Enforced New environmental laws are being enacted.