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NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science Civics Chapter 7 Understanding Marginalisation

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For students to prepare for and attain their desired goals, NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 – Understanding Marginalisation is offered here. According to a media report from April 2019, minorities, who make up 14% of India’s population but only 4% of its Parliament, are becoming increasingly concerned. Marginalisation Class 8 occurs when a group of people or groups is excluded from the majority because of their language, customs, or religion.

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    Infinity Learn subject experts lay out the concepts straightforwardly and exactly based on the students’ IQ levels. NCERT Class 8 Civics Ch 7 solutions explain the exercises in Class 8 Civics Understanding Marginalisation, which is a crucial part of Class 8 Civics Chapter 7 in CBSE’s Social and Political Life-III textbook.

    Referring to NCERT solutions is essential for students who want to get an amazing grade. The Class 8 Chapter 7 Civics Question Answer provided here are clear and correct, helping students better grasp What is Marginalisation Class 8 and related topics.

    Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 Questions and Answers

    Ques1. Write two or more sentences of what you understand by the word ‘marginalization’ in your own words.

    Ans. The word ‘marginalisation’ refers to a situation in which an individual or a group of individuals is deprived of certain privileges or treated as different from others. Marginalisation means the communities small in number are put at the margins of economic and cultural development. These communities are devoid of any changes or advancements that people enjoy in modern times.

    Ques 2. List two reasons why Adivasis are becoming increasingly marginalised.

    Ans. Adivasis like to live a primitive life in the forests without outside interference. They usually resist changes or new ideas. They still believe in their old rituals, and they are still orthodox in their behaviour. They are resistant to modern economic and cultural development. They are also satisfied with their existing environment.

    Ques 3. Write one reason you think the Constitution’s safeguards to protect minority communities are very important?

    Ans. The Constitution safeguards the minority communities because they are numerically small in relation to the rest of the population. Therefore they may be dominated by the majority communities.

    Ques 4. Re-read the section on Minorities and Marginalisation. What do you understand by the term minority?

    Ans. The minority is the term that means the communities that are small in number compared to the communities that are more in numbers. Ex- Muslims are in the minority as compared to Hindus.

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    Ques 5. You are participating in a debate where you have to provide reasons to support the following statement: ‘Muslims are a marginalised community. Using the data provided in this chapter, list two reasons that you would give.

    Ans. The Muslims are marginalised community because:

    1. i) Muslims are deprived of basic amenities such as water, electricity, etc.
    2. ii) They have little access to education.

    Ques 6. Imagine that you are watching the Republic Day parade on TV with a friend, and she remarks, “Look at these tribals. They look so exotic. And they seem to be dancing all the time”. List three things that you would tell her about the lives of Adivasis in India.

    Ans. i) Adivasis live in forests.

    ii) They lead a primitive way of life.

    iii) They resist the changes. The government tries to bring out and change their lifestyle.

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    Ques 7. You read about how Helen hopes to make a movie on the Adivasi story in the storyboard. Can you help her by developing a short story on Adivasis?


    i) Adivasis are the primitive communities that live in forests or mountainous areas.

    ii) Their livelihood means are related to natural resources.

    iii) They live close to nature. iv)Life of these people are simple.

    v) Their wants are limited, and they do not want to change themselves according to the new developments. vi) Sometimes, they become furious at the outside interference.

    vii) Their lives are full of fun and frolic.

    viii) They are always seen dancing.

    ix) They are termed as exotic and backward.

    Ques 8. Would you agree with the statement that economic marginalisation and social marginalisation are interlinked? Why?

    Ans. i) The minorities are rendered marginalised economically because they are not allowed to access economic development benefits.

    ii) When there is no economic development, the minorities do not develop socially. Their society does not experience the fruits of social development. They remain backward.

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    Chapter 7 – Understanding Marginalisation Summary

    Being marginalized is being compelled to inhabit the peripheries or edges of something rather than being at the center. Exclusion can occur in various ways and for a variety of reasons. They may be marginalized because they have distinct customs, speak a different language, or are members of another religious organization. They may also feel marginalized due to their poverty and ‘low’ social position. Marginalized groups are sometimes viewed with animosity and terror. Because of their perception of difference and exclusion, communities are unable to access resources and opportunities and assert their rights. Marginalization rarely occurs in a single sphere. Certain groups in society are formed by economic, social, cultural, and political forces.

    You will learn about two Indian communities that are currently deemed socially marginalised. You’ll also learn about Adivasis, their stereotypes and growth, the interdependence of tribal life’s economic and social components, minorities and marginalisation, the socioeconomic position of the Muslim community, and how different groups have dealt with marginalisation.

    ‘Social and Political Life – III’ is a crucial text for the Social Science topic in class 8 civics chapter 7. Apart from this chapter, the linked article contains the entire set of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Social Science. Students can use NCERT Solutions, which are available through the links provided, to help them attain their desired results in the exam.

    Understanding Marginalisation Class 8 FAQs

    What do you understand by the word marginalisation?

    Marginalisation refers to the social process where certain groups are pushed to the edges of society, limiting their access to resources and opportunities.

    Who are Adivasis?

    Adivasis are indigenous peoples of India, often residing in forested areas, with distinct languages, cultures, and traditions.

    Who are the marginalised communities?

    Marginalised communities include groups like Adivasis, Dalits, and religious minorities who face social and economic exclusion.

    What is the difference between social marginalisation and economic marginalisation?

    Social marginalisation involves exclusion based on cultural or societal factors, while economic marginalisation pertains to deprivation of economic resources and opportunities.

    What is marginalisation?

    Marginalisation is the process where certain communities are pushed to the periphery of society, denying them equal access to resources and opportunities.

    How to stop marginalization?

    Addressing marginalization requires inclusive policies, equitable resource distribution, and promoting social awareness to integrate marginalized groups.

    What do you mean by minority?

    A minority is a group differing in race, religion, or ethnicity from the majority population, often with less power or representation.

    What is an example of marginalisation?

    An example of marginalisation is the displacement of Adivasis from their ancestral lands due to industrial projects, leading to loss of livelihood and cultural erosion.

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