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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 – On Killing A Tree PDF Download

Subject selection for higher education is influenced by a variety of factors, and most students begin the process in ninth grade. Students focus not just on earning good grades but also on discovering their interests while studying for CBSE class 9. The report card, on the other hand, is critical in determining which subjects’ students can pursue in higher education. Because English is a more pleasant subject than science, kids immediately think of it as being easier.

Understanding the fundamental concept is not tough with the aid of NCERT Solution Class 9 English on Killing a Tree. The essentials must be thoroughly understood before choosing a subject for further study. Students can use the NCERT Solution for Class 9 English Beehive Poem on Killing a Tree to get correct answers that will help them achieve higher scores.

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      Chapter 8 On Killing A Tree

      POEM 8 – On Killing a Tree


      I.1. Can a simple jab of the knife kill a tree? Why not?

      A. No, a simple jab of the knife cannot kill a tree. It is firmly held by the earth for so many years and its roots are safe. The tree is too strong to be killed by a simple jab of the knife.

      2. How has the tree grown to its full size? List the words suggestive of its life and activity.

      A. The tree has grown to its full size by consuming the earth, feeding upon its crust, absorbing years of light, air and water. ‘Consuming’, ‘rising.’ ‘feeding’ and ‘absorbing’ are the words that suggest its life and activity.

      3. What is the meaning of “bleeding bark”? What makes it bleed?

      A. ‘Bleeding bark’ suggests the wound on the tree that is caused by a blow of knife. When the branches of a tree are chopped off, the tree bleeds (an oozy substance comes out). It expresses the pain of the tree.

      4. The poet says “No” in the beginning of the third stanza. What does he mean by this?

      A. The poet says ‘No’ in the beginning of the third stanza suggesting that a simple jab of knife will not kill a tree. It has to be uprooted. A tree is so strong that it cannot be killed unless it is uprooted.

      5. What is the meaning of “anchoring earth” and “earth cave”?

      A. ‘Anchoring earth’ implies that the trees are held secure with the help of the roots in the earth. So long as the roots are firmly held by the earth, the tree is safe and cannot be killed by a simple jab of a knife.

      ‘Earth-cave’ suggests the space created in the earth by uprooting a tree. When the roots are pulled out of the earth from the cave where the roots were hidden.

      6. What does he mean by “the strength of the tree exposed”?

      A. The strength of the tree lies in its roots, which the poet asks to snap out in order to kill the tree. Thus, the phrase “the strength of the tree exposed” refers to the roots of the tree being exposed to sunlight and air.

      7. What finally kills the tree?

      A. The tree is finally killed by the uprooting of its roots. When the roots, which had anchored it lying hidden in the earth for years, were dug out, the tree’s strength was exposed and this led to the death of the tree. It dried up after it had been uprooted.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Poem on Killing a Tree – PDF Download

      If students grasp the essential principles, CBSE Class 9 English on Killing a Tree is surely an interesting chapter to concentrate on. When taking board exams, students are expected to complete the questions within a certain amount of time in order to achieve the desired results.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Poem on Killing a Tree concentrate on delivering correct answers in order to save time during the exam. Students also gain a good sense of how an answer pattern should look for a specific set of questions.

      Studying these chapters isn’t enough to achieve a good grade; students must also devote time to practicing the exercise questions in order to finish the paper on time. These solutions assist these pupils in improving their time management and confidence levels.

      In the INFINITY LEARN app, you may download a free version of NCERT Solutions Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 On Killing a Tree PDF. As a result, students can use this convenient access to clear up their uncertainties about specific questions.

      Some Questions Derived From – Class 9 NCERT Solutions – On Killing A Tree

      1st question: The exercise’s first question necessitates a thoughtful response. Students should elaborate on how a knife could be used to kill a tree. The answer should not be very extensive; merely exact facts will suffice to earn a good grade.

      Question 2: In on Killing a Tree Class 9 Solutions, the second question is seeking for precise evidence that should have specific points to substantiate whatever areas students are highlighting. To finish the response, an appropriate collection of words should be mentioned.

      Question 3: Students must define the term “bleeding bark” in the most accurate manner possible so that it does not appear overdone. Precision is a key component to pay attention to when answering these brief-type questions in order to achieve top grades. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive on Killing a Tree focus on providing concise answers in order to make a stronger impression on the teacher.

      Question 4: Based on the observations of students who have properly studied the chapter, the fourth question from NCERT Solution for Class 9 English on Killing a Tree is posed. Within a few lines, students must clarify the poet’s point of view.

      Question 5: In this question, students must explain the meaning of concepts such as “anchoring earth” and “earth cave,” which are discussed throughout the poem. Similarly, precision should be maintained when answering this question.

      The Advantages of Using NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8

      On Killing a Tree Students should practice additional questions from Chapter 8 on Killing a Tree in order to stay prepared for the boards. These questions can be challenging at times because students tend to cram too much information into their replies.

      The following are some of the advantages that students will gain from using NCERT Solutions for Class 9th English on Killing a Tree:

      • Due to conceptual flaws, the majority of students struggle to achieve adequate results. These solutions assist these students in resolving some of their chapter-related questions.
      • When it comes to English poems, understanding the basic notion is crucial. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter on Killing a Tree aid with this by providing both informative and precise answers to the problems.
      • To get a good grade in English, you need to give accurate and error-free replies. Furthermore, if the goal is to pursue this subject in further education, maintaining high quality is critical.
      • Assists students in gaining in-depth knowledge while also working on time management. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English on Killing a Tree also includes a method for improving grades.

      It’s critical to maintain a high level of quality, especially when the subject is English. These pupils’ profit from NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter on Killing a Tree in that they provide suggestions for achieving the desired results.

      Frequently Asked Questions

      1. How do the NCERT Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 Poem Solutions work?

      It is always vital to understand the principles of a subject in order to achieve a decent result. Students should be aware of every individual characteristic that distinguishes a topic, especially while pursuing a specialized track in higher education.

      NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem on Killing a Tree offers an opportunity to delve deeper into the chapter’s small elements. Most students prefer extensive responses in order to receive better grades; nevertheless, there are some questions that require short answers in order to preserve quality.

      It can be difficult to locate accuracy in these answers at first, but the NCERT Solution for Class 9 English Beehive on Killing a Tree makes it much easier to do so. A free PDF version is also accessible to aid students in terms of learning.

      1. What is the poem “On Killing a Tree” message?

      Trees, like all other kinds of life, are living creatures, according to the poem. They have incredible survival instincts and can survive any type of assault, trauma, or disaster. Because a tree regrows from the point where it is cut, it does not perish merely by being chopped, and hence they have a fighting mentality. It must be uprooted if it is to be destroyed. On INFINITY LEARN official website, you may learn more about poetry.

      1. Who is the author of the Class 9th poem “On Killing a Tree”?

      Gieve Patel is the author of NCERT Class 9 Chapter 8’s “On Killing a Tree.” He is an Indian poet who has also worked in a variety of other fields. His poems include “How Do You Withstand” (1966), “Body” (1976), and “Mirrored Mirroring” (1977). He is one of a group of authors who have joined the “Green Movement,” which is dedicated to environmental protection. NCERT Solution Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 On Killing a Tree, published on INFINITY LEARN, contains more information about the poetry. All of their study resources are also available for free on their app.

      1. On Killing a Tree is a type of poem.

      It’s a protest poem with stanzas that aren’t evenly spaced. It doesn’t use traditional poetry elements like rhyme or regular meter. Instead, it is written in free poetry. There is no rhyme pattern in this poem. The poem’s major subject is the death of a tree, as the title suggests. It examines a tree’s never-say-die mentality.

      1. Is it possible to kill a tree with a single knife stab?

      No, a tree will not be killed by a single knife stab. The tree’s roots grow deep into the ground, anchoring it to the ground. As a result, a small cut will not hurt the tree because it will heal and grow back to its original shape and size over time. Only by taking the tree out of the ground by its roots and destroying it with an intentional and purposeful attack can we kill it. To further understand the poetry, consult NCERT Solution Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 8 On Killing a Tree.

      1. How does the tree die in the end?

      The tree is killed when it is yanked out of the mother soil. The roots of the tree are scorched and strangled when they are exposed to sunlight and air. It then starts to wilt. Browning, hardening, twisting, and withering of the roots are all symptoms of this process. During this process, the most important thing to remember is to remove the root of the anchoring (source of security) and stability (ground). This is essentially how a tree dies.

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