Study MaterialsNCERT SolutionsNCERT Solutions for Class 9 EnglishNCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 – The Snake Trying PDF Download for free

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 – The Snake Trying PDF Download for free

English Beehive for Class 9 is an outstanding book that has some beautiful poetry by great authors. NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 – The Snake Trying PDF Download English Beehive for Class 9 is an excellent book that contains some beautiful poems by brilliant authors. Every poem conveys a distinct message. ‘The Snake Trying’ is one of the book’s most intriguing poems. This poem depicts an innocent snake attempting to flee from a person wielding a stick in order to survive. The Snake Trying NCERT Solution for Class 9 English Beehive Poem will assist you in effortlessly comprehending the poem. The Snake Trying Class 9 NCERT Solutions produced by INFINITY LEARN experts may be downloaded for free as a PDF file.

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    POEM 9 – The Snake Trying


    1. What is the snake trying to escape from?

    A. The snake is trying to escape from a stroke. It is being chased by someone with a stick. The snake wanted to save itself from being hit or killed.

    2. Is it a harmful snake? What is its colour?

    A. No, it is not a harmful snake. It is not poisonous. It is a green snake. Green snakes are generally considered harmless.

    3. The poet finds the snake beautiful. Find the words he uses to convey its beauty.

    A. The poet finds the snake beautiful and graceful. The poet conveys its beauty by using the following words: curving of thin long body, beautiful, graceful shapes, small and green.

    4. What does the poet wish for the snake?

    A. The poet sees beauty in the snake. For him, it is not a harmful snake. He wishes that it should not be hurt by the stick. It should go under the water into the reeds to hide without being hurt.

    5. Where was the snake before anyone saw it and chased it away? Where does the snake disappear?

    A. The snake was lying on the sand till someone saw it and again chased it away. The snake disappeared in the ripples of the water among the green reeds.

    II.1. Find out as much as you can about different kinds of snakes (from books in the library, or from the Internet). Are they all poisonous? Find out the names of some poisonous snakes.

    A. No, all snakes are not poisonous. Some of the poisonous snakes are Indian Cobra, Common Krait, Russell’s Viper, and Saw-scaled Viper.

    2. Look for information on how to find out whether a snake is harmful.

    A. This information may be obtained from the books in the library or from the Internet. This may also be got from a snake charmer.

    3. As you know, from the previous lesson you have just read, there are people in our country who have traditional knowledge about snakes, who even catch poisonous snakes with practically bare hands. Can you find out something more about them?

    A. They are snake charmers. They live mainly in forests. They are wandering tribes. They catch various snakes. They earn their livelihood by showing them to the public. They are a great source of information on snakes.

    Chapter 9 – The Snake Trying to Escape NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive

    Summary and Solution for The Snake Trying

    The Snake Trying Class 9 is a lovely poem based on true events, in which everyone believes that all snakes are cruel and dangerous. People become overly protective of snakes and harm those that cross their way. This is a poem about a snake that crossed the route of a man with a stick by accident. The snake used its slim body and curving movements to get away from the man’s stick. It then glides away from the man, passing through the water. The poet was enthralled by nature’s splendor. You’ll see how wonderful the small green snake’s motions were if you follow the answers in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter the Snake Trying. It was a matter of avoiding that man’s fury and his stick. Despite the fact that it did not harm him, he attempted to kill it with its stick for his own protection.

    The poem’s practice questions are based on the poet’s wishes for us to understand the serpent, the common man, and nature. If you start with the appropriate foundation, coming up with answers will become easier. You can better examine the chapter and its message with the help of the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive the Snake Trying. As a result, using these NCERT Solutions will make it easy to answer the practice problems in the chapter’s exercise.

    Why Do You Need to Download the Snake Trying Solutions for Class 9th English Beehive Poem?

    • The language that is simple and straightforward

    When you don’t know what the poem’s major message is, it’s difficult to answer literature-based inquiries about it. You should concentrate on deciphering what the poet is trying to convey in the poem. You may easily prepare your answers in simple words once you are clear. Beehive poetry from 9th grade English the serpent Practicing solutions will assist you in learning how to write easy replies to all of the exercises’ questions. Writing concise yet clear responses is the key to scoring well on English tests.

    • Follow the Solutions a Few Times

    How can you independently practice the answers to this poem? Even if you don’t have access to the ideal platform for practicing or obtaining the correct answers, you can still prepare well. You can quickly get the greatest potential answers to the problems in the exercise by using the superb solutions for Ch the Snake Trying Class 9 provided by the experts. It will serve as a platform for comparing your answers to expert solutions and tracking your progress. You can also look up these answers in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9th English the Snake Trying to figure out how to answer the questions. You can then frame your answers and practice once you’ve figured it out.

    • A competitive advantage

    You can give your English exam preparation a competitive edge by referring to the NCERT Solutions Class 9 Beehive the Snake Trying. You will be able to prepare the finest responses in class and achieve higher exam scores. Along with your hard effort and writing talents, you will need a supporting answer from the specialists for CBSE Class 9 English the Snake Trying to achieve good marks in the examination. Following the style and format used by the top mentors can also help you improve your English writing skills.

    Why Choose INFINITY LEARN for Beehive Solutions for NCERT English Class 9?

    In terms of quality study material and online lessons, INFINITY LEARN has been recognized as one of the finest online tutorial portals for students in Class 9. The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Chapter are of high quality. The serpent Makes an attempt to create very complete study material for revision and self-study.

    The NCERT Solutions for the English poetry The Snake Trying in Class 9 are based on the most recent CBSE guidelines. As a result, following these solutions will assist students in practicing answering problems in accordance with the appropriate exam criteria, allowing them to score higher.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What Attracted the Poet to the Green Snake?
    2. How Do You Properly Answer Questions About ‘The Snake Trying’?
    3. What is the Message of the Snake Trying Properly in Class 9 English Ch?
    4. In English Chapter 9 of Class 9, what is the snake attempting to accomplish?
    5. Is the snake harmful in English Class 9 Chapter 9?
    6. Who wrote the poem “The snake trying” in English Class 9?
    7. What is the poet’s wish for the snake, and why is the snake trying to hide?
    8. Who gave his wife a sloth bear?

    Q. What Attracted the Poet to the Green Snake?

    Ans. According to the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 The Snake Trying, the poet was awestruck by the slim green snake’s sinuous movements. It was the act of escaping from the man’s stick that reminded him of nature’s lovely, innocent creations.

    Q. How Do You Properly Answer Questions About ‘The Snake Trying’?

    Ans. You can formulate the answers correctly and rehearse them well by using the NCERT Solutions for the Class 9 English poetry The Snake Trying. You’ll find a straightforward format to follow, and you’ll be able to construct your replies carefully.

    Q. What is the Message of the Snake Trying Properly in Class 9 English Ch?

    Ans. It’s a free verse poem written in straightforward language. The poet wanted to convey the idea that all living things are innocent. The answers in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Chapter 9 poem will assist you in deciphering the poem’s true meaning.

    Q. In English Chapter 9 of Class 9, what is the snake attempting to accomplish?

    Ans. The snake was attempting to elude a stick. Humans believe that all snakes are dangerous and aggressive. This snake, on the other hand, was terrified of humans and wanted to hide from them. He slid into the water and slipped into it slowly. On the INFINITY LEARN website, Chapter 9 of Class 9 is extremely thoroughly described (INFINITY

    Q. Is the snake harmful in English Class 9 Chapter 9?

    Ans. The snake was not toxic or dangerous. He had crossed the man’s path by accident and was trying to run away from the man’s stick. He had no intention of hurting the man, but he did want to get away from him. With his curving movements, he was nature’s innocent creature. Download the INFINITY LEARN app to learn more and gain access to study materials.

    Q. Who wrote the poem “The snake trying” in English Class 9?

    Ans. W.W.E Ross is the author of The Snake Trying. He wanted to show that not all creatures are bad or dangerous. There are animals whose sole purpose is to depict the beauty of nature rather than to harm humans. As a result, humans should think twice before mistreating animals. On INFINITY LEARN NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Chapter 9 (available for free), the chapter is extensively discussed.

    Q. What is the poet’s wish for the snake, and why is the snake trying to hide?

    Ans. The snake had crossed the man’s path by accident and was trying to get away from his stick. The poet advised the man to put down his stick and cease chasing the snake. He wished the snake had gotten away from the man safely.

    Q. Who gave his wife a sloth bear?

    Ans. The narrator gave his wife a sloth bear as a present. When the mother of the baby sloth bear was shot, he got it from Mysore. The narrator was saddened by the cub’s presence on his dead mother’s body, so he brought him home and gave him to his wife. The narrator’s wife was overjoyed and gave him the name Bruno.

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